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Where do you download iPad needs from?

Well I buy most of my content from iTunes but anything thats already on my computer, i convert and transfer to my iPad with iTunes.
Ahh, sorry for that, I guess I didn't know this was a stupid question. I'm new to the iPad and didn't know app store and itunes where the only places you can download from. They al cost money and I thought there was places you can download the for free. Thanks for the posts every one.
You can get content for some apps from third parties, and you can create and share your own content in some apps. But unless you jailbreak your machine. You can only buy from apple, or from third parties that operate via an app. Ie you can go to the amazon kindle app click shop and it takes you to the amazon web site in safari you buy a book there then it inserts it into your amazon account and downloads it to your iPad.

If you jail break the you can buy but I think there is one store only. Someone else might know more about that
Ahh, sorry for that, I guess I didn't know this was a stupid question. I'm new to the iPad and didn't know app store and itunes where the only places you can download from. They al cost money and I thought there was places you can download the for free. Thanks for the posts every one.

If your jailbroken, af gentlefury said, you can use Cydia, otherwise it is all iTunes. There are literally thousands of free apps to try, and try-before-buying.

For me, Apps are half the fun of iThings ownership.
We all have a love hatred relationship with iTunes/AppStore.

We love them because they are curated and everything just works as intended and we hate them as they are clunky and restrictive.

Jailbreaking is the only way to break free (God knows...) but as yet of limited utility.
Only had one fail and that was an upgrade. Quick email to the devs and the reply under an hour. Now working well.
Just checked 5.46gb of apps and not all are installed...........

Many of us are long time pc users and used to wrestling with progs and settings. Nice when the bloody things just work.
This morning fired up wireless and found nothing working because I had an invalid IP address.......don't need that rubbish. Thank God for google search as MS seems to speak a different language to the rest of the world.....
Go Apple!

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