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Where has my post gone?


iPF Noob
I went to see if there were any recent posts to a thread I started and it's gone. I din't sling on anyone, bad mouth anything but merely expressed a change in mind ref getting the iPhone instead of the iPad. Had one reply to which I replied and now it's gone.
The only thing that comes to mind is that someone took offence at me not getting the iPad and they threw teddy out of the pram.

If a Mod could shed some light on this situation it'd be appreciated. The thread was Damn you Steve Jobs. And the first line started with LOL. I certainly wasn't slinging on Jobs but more the opposite in that he has released ANOTHER fine product for which has now made my decision harder.

The "mods" appear to use the delete key with some degree of regularity on this forum. I had a post which suggested a new Forum Topic of " Deals - Bargains and Freebies " which I had suggested to a mod #1 and he thought it was a good idea, and mod #1 suggested I write a post making such a suggestion . I posted my thoughts in hopes of getting some user support for the new section. Apparently the mods don't communicate on a regular basis because mod #2 took offense to my post and hit the big red delete button. We'll have to see if my suggestion sticks around this time and gets enough user support to become reality. Time will tell.
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Just for the record we do communicate. I suspect something you put in the post was against our rules. This is a private forum and I can vouch for the other mods knowing they will not delete a thread or post without advising the reason to whom posted the thread or post.

This does not apply if it is a banned user

So I am confused whom deleted the post
Regards col
Not to pile on but I sent a message to the mods about a post and never got a response. The communication from mods could be a little more forthcoming in this forum. (I know you guys are busy because there's a lot of crap that needs to be deleted. I know this because I subscribe to the forum in Google Reader and see many topics first in Reader that have been deleted in the forum when I click over. It just would be nice to actually get a reply when I've gone to the effort of asking the mods something offline rather than nothing. Y'know?)
I offered to help mod by deleting spam posts etc...but iDan never responded...so I just hit the report post button when I see it. I wish I could help more...judging by my post count you can see I don't have a life. ;)
I offered to help mod by deleting spam posts etc...but iDan never responded...so I just hit the report post button when I see it. I wish I could help more...judging by my post count you can see I don't have a life. ;)

AND it looks like you drive an SS (avatar) which also goes against you LOL.
I am not worried about the post too much. I am a member of a couple of forum sites and I thought I was going mental cos I couldn't find it anywhere.
Still enjoying my time here...cos I don't have much of a life either LOL

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