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Where have my PDFs gone?


iPF Noob
Dear all,

Before upgrading to IOS5, I transferred my purchases and backed up my iPad. After the upgrade and restore, my ibooks app has seemed to have lost all my PDFs in there!

Where are they? I can't find them on my laptop either!

This is so frustrating; I build computers and know several programming languages... but i just can't get my head around what iTunes does with files when syncing - stoopid, huh!

Any help?

info said:
I wonder if the same thing is happening in iAnnotate, Goodreader, and the others.

My PDFs are safe in Goodreader. I lost my PDFs in Ibook too. There is a thread on here somewhere that states we shouldn't have synced Ibooks when we synced the apps. I think that is very nonintuitive as we "bought" Ibooks in the app store and didn't lose content in the Kindle, Stanza, Bluefire or Goodreader apps. I was concerned wbout this so did upload a number of PDFs to Dropbox before upgrading.

I'm wondering also about the loss of the Blogshelf app. It was well thought of, working well before upgrade and now has totally disappeared. It didn't download to Itunes nor sync and is unavailable in the app store and doesn't appear in my purchased apps. Now I'm looking for a good blog reader app.
Thanks Diane, good to hear that the PDFs are not being lost everywhere. I saw the thread you mentioned and it does sound a bit unintuitive. Though I don't have Blogshelf, my guess is that it's being worked on and will reappear shortly.
info said:
Thanks Diane, good to hear that the PDFs are not being lost everywhere. I saw the thread you mentioned and it does sound a bit unintuitive. Though I don't have Blogshelf, my guess is that it's being worked on and will reappear shortly.

I hadn't thought of that and I do know other apps have disappeared and appeared afterwards, after some changes. It may not have been IOS 5 ready. Thanks for the reminder.

I will say LOL I was a bit miffed when so many of my apps didn't appear on restore. I've had more apps than I want to admit in the year and a half and there were very few synced directly to the Ipad. When I had to download from cloud to Itunes I then checked the ones I wanted to sync to Ipad. After I did that and synced I got message saying that 22 of the ones I wanted synced were "not able to be found". Then I was upset believing if I had to reinstall I would absolutely lose all content. To my surprise, when I reinstalled from the purchased area in the app store the content was all intact. Strange long process upgrading but overall it worked pretty well and it was quite a huge upgrade and structural change of the firmware.

Hmmm... That second paragraph makes me a little uncomfortable as I have not yet upgraded. Well, I'll just try to back my work up to the hilt when the time comes for me to do so. I'm in no rush to get a heart attack. :)
Update on Blogshelf. The developer and I have emailed back and forth. He did take the app out of the store because it didn't meet Icloud use though it did IOS 5. He suggested I try syncing it again--which I tried twice. He said he had just upgraded and his current Blogshelf restored--but not mine. He plans to return the app go the store in about a month so I'll reinstall then. So one mystery sort of explained.

PDFs are certainly not being lost everywhere. We updated more than 100 devices. Not a single PDF went missing..... iBooks synced. Music restored. All documents restored. Virtually a flawless upgrade.
I didn't lose any iBooks data on the iPad upgrade to iOS 5. But I did lose some in my iPhone. I lost all in the non-iBookStore data. I think the problem can be traced to existing issues on the iPhone backup. Before the upgrade, I couldn't manage iPhone apps with iTunes. Fortunately my non purchased iBooks data was backed up on DropBox.
I've lost some PDFs too. It claimed to back up everything, but PDFs are gone. Any way to get them back? Too late?
I didn't lose any but a number of mine were in both Ibooks and Goodreader (I did lose those in Ibooks but all of those, primarily manuals, were only in Ibooks for easy reading but I keep all PDFs in Goodreader for better organization). Just in case, I put many of them in Dropbox before upgrading anyhow. Just a bit paranoid LOL.
avdlaan said:
I also lost my PDF files. The covers showed briefly when I opened iBooks but then disappeared.

Same for me. Happened while trying to play iTunes and reading a book. Had itunes on and switched to iBook. Covers flickered then disappeared. Can get iBooks back using store. But not PDFs. Any recovery advise?

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