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Who uses their Ipad for 'serious' writing?


iPF Noob
Hi folks,

I'm considering a new Ipad( long story, had Ipad1 but had to sell it). However, I'm planning on doing some heavy writing and was wondering if it's more practical to get a Macbook Air? I'm aware of a few apps like Pages and Documents to go, but how good are these? If I did decide to go with the Ipad, I'd definitely get the keyboard attachment. The size factor is definitely important to me, which is why my two options are the Air and the Ipad( ruling out the regular Macbook/Macbook pro lines,and I need the portability so that eliminates the Imac/Mac mini/Mac pro etc).

Recommendations? Thanks for reading.:)
I believe I am a serious writer and I use IA Writer. There are a few others like Manuscript for Ipad, Writer's Nook and more. You can also use Pages.
I use Pages for authoring scientific papers. There are some limitations, some well-known, if ugly, workarounds. Compatibility - iPad->PC/Mac is 100%, the other way is not so good if the documents have complex formatting.

Things you may miss in Pages --- does not directly handle super- and sub-scripts, footnotes, endnotes (workarounds for these)

Does not handle TOC or Index or Track Changes.

Handles well - tables, embedded photos, graphs, shapes, multi-column format, styles (limited), headers, footers...

The Apple website has a lot of detailed information on exactly what it can and cannot do...

G.P said:
Hi folks,

I'm considering a new Ipad( long story, had Ipad1 but had to sell it). However, I'm planning on doing some heavy writing and was wondering if it's more practical to get a Macbook Air? I'm aware of a few apps like Pages and Documents to go, but how good are these? If I did decide to go with the Ipad, I'd definitely get the keyboard attachment. The size factor is definitely important to me, which is why my two options are the Air and the Ipad( ruling out the regular Macbook/Macbook pro lines,and I need the portability so that eliminates the Imac/Mac mini/Mac pro etc).

Recommendations? Thanks for reading.:)

As far as serious writing, you can use any word processing program the iPad offers. As a published author, though, I can tell you there are too many limitations for me to consider the iPad as a source to write and edit a novel or other lengthy work. The iPad simply can not handle all I have to do in creation and editing (track changes, for example) and my desktop with Office 10 is my mainstay in the business.

Hope this helps.
I use Pages on mine with the on screen keyboard, most because I haven't been able to cough up the funds for the Apple keyboard yet. I love it though, much more comfortable for me to type on than my old laptop. I just do rough drafts on it though and leave my editing up to my desktop.
The Fast Keyboard app is supposedly working on subscript and superscript, Tim so let's cross fingers. The developer told me this on his fast keyboard thread so I'll watch that thread for news.
As far as serious writing, you can use any word processing program the iPad offers. As a published author, though, I can tell you there are too many limitations for me to consider the iPad as a source to write and edit a novel or other lengthy work. The iPad simply can not handle all I have to do in creation and editing (track changes, for example) and my desktop with Office 10 is my mainstay in the business.

Hope this helps.

First, thanks to all who have responded.

Devyn, this is more or less the kind of writing I'm talking about. I want to do some screen-writing, primarily I need a device that I can use on the go and then be able to transfer that work to Microsoft word at home( have a PC).

As far as limitations, I assume you're referring to limits within the available writing productivity apps?
I just do rough drafts on it though and leave my editing up to my desktop.

That's pretty much what I was thinking. I need something as an extension of my laptop, which is essentially a 17 inch desktop replacement, FAR too cumbersome to carry around on a daily basis. Do you edit on a Mac or PC?
I take general notes on my mine with Documents to Go, but they do not need to be edited. It is just like when I am attending a seminar for work. I just got the Apple Wireless Keyboard and have found that the virtual keyboard is just as comfortable to type with, except that it takes up the screen, so it is handy to have the external keyboard if it distracting when you are typing. (a matter of preference). Again though, I don't format these notes. Any formal document I have is still done on a desktop.
I have a friend who does serious writing (screenplays/scripts) on his iPad to prove a point. But we all know he sneaks off to his MacBook Pro for 99% of his actual writing.

As a scribbler myself I'd go MBA. Actually, if writing was my main activity I'd go cheap and cheerful lightweight PC with Word or Open Office. I like Pages, but it's a pain if you need to send documents and manuscripts out to the world (the conversion-to-Word feature always messes up the layout).

I got forced onto a PC these past few weeks after my MBP went on the fritz. I'm a long term (20+ years) dyed in the wool Mac user and after a few initial days of frustration I'm actually starting to enjoy, and even prefer, Windoze 7. Weird.
I like Pages, but it's a pain if you need to send documents and manuscripts out to the world (the conversion-to-Word feature always messes up the layout).
Precisely the reason anything I do in Pages is a rough draft. Even when I get my iMac, I'm still buying Word for Mac so I don't lose any of my formatting in my existing documents.
I think the iPad is great for basic report writing and there are some great templates for flyers. It cannot, however, touch a full-featured word processor like Word IMO. Serious writing? I'd go with the MacBook Air.

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I do all of my writing (short stories) on the iPad using Pages. The size and portability make up for the lack of a physical keyboard. I would guess that my productivity (feels silly to call it that but I suppose it is appropriate) has quadrupled since getting my original iPad.

That being said all of my final composition and editing is done on my PC.

In other words the actual creative part is all iPad and the final work is done on a PC.
I do research papers and long assignments. I also use an external keyboard. Pages is limited, but works well enough.

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