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Why do Apple make the simple things so difficult?


iPF Noob
Hi, I finally joined the Apple bandwagon by purchasing an iPad 3 and while it does a lot of things quickly and easily, some of the most basic functions are such a pain. For instance, it supposedly has bluetooth but will not connect to either my smartphone (htc desire) or my laptop so I cant bluetooth photos etc to my iPad. Furthermore, transferring photo albums from my laptop to iPad via iTunes is not only longwinded, (making seperate folder on pc then copying albums into that as subfolders etc) but once they are on the iPad I cant then delete any unwanted photos although you can delete any photos taken with the iPad itself. For what is supposedly one of the most hi tech tablets around, basic functions like these are so much easier on far cheaper tablets.
You are able to delete any photo. I am not sure why you are having difficulties. The iPad is only able to pair with Bluetooth accessories like headphones, keyboards, some GPS receivers and speakers. You are also able to connect to other iProducts using certain apps. Of course, if you desire more flexibility or customization, you will need to jailbreak your device.

Sent from my fairly fuzzy iPad 2.
Thanks for the Bluetooth info, shame that it's functionality is so limited. As for the photos, it is not possible to delete individual photos in an album that has been synched from a windows pc. You have to delete the entire album via iTunes or check every photo before synching to make sure you want it on the iPad
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evo57 said:
Thanks for the Bluetooth info, shame that it's functionality is so limited. As for the photos, it is not possible to delete individual photos in an album that has been synched from a windows pc. You have to delete the entire album via iTunes or check every photo before synching to make sure you want it on the iPad

That is good to know about iTunes synced photos. I have never had a reason to use iTunes for photos. Why don't you use the photo stream method? Now that we are able to delete from the photo stream, you should be able to add photos to the stream and then create albums on your iPad to save them in. Then you can delete at will.

Sent from my fairly fuzzy iPad 2.
Get iCloud setup. Then set up photostream. There is an upload folder in the photostream folder. Just copy photos into that and they appear on your ipad instantly. You can set up iCloud on several PCs too, so you can share all that stuff across them. I think you get 5GB of free iCloud storage.
Get iCloud setup. Then set up photostream. There is an upload folder in the photostream folder. Just copy photos into that and they appear on your ipad instantly. You can set up iCloud on several PCs too, so you can share all that stuff across them. I think you get 5GB of free iCloud storage.

Thats the easiest way of getting stuff from and to various devices. It is ironic that what the OP considers simple, is actually a very complicated task. I have tried explaining how to transfer a file from one pc to another pc with my elderly great uncle and the concept was too hard for him to grasp. Then I showed him how to do it on his brand new iPad and he was so impressed that he has been sending me a ton of files (photos) since then. I'm giving him another day before I start to explain to him about email etiquette.
I have tried explaining how to transfer a file from one pc to another pc with my elderly great uncle and the concept was too hard for him to grasp. Then I showed him how to do it on his brand new iPad and he was so impressed that he has been sending me a ton of files (photos) since then. I'm giving him another day before I start to explain to him about email etiquette.

Ha! Let him have his fun sending you those photos, Matt. You can just delete them after looking at them. For him, this is a big thing. For you, a minor annoyance. :)
Yeah, you are right AQ_OC, In the past Uncle Ruben would call all of his relatives and leave messages because he took a funny picture and wanted to mail it to us but he didn't know how to get it from his camera to his email.

Saturday 03/17, he got his new iPad and after showing him how to use the back camera and then once he's taken a picture he can press it and type in the email, he has been doing that ever since! I've gotten pictures of my uncle and his veteran buddies drinking GREEN beer. I got pictures of him, my aunt, at church during Sunday School class. I got pictures of my uncle and aunt @ lunch....oh well, I'm running off at the mouth....since I'm the only other relative in Fort Wayne, I'm his 'go-to guy' for anything technical.

This iPad is going to help me help him a whole lot easier than when he used his laptop to first, create a folder, second, open new folder, third connect camera to pc via usb (what does that mean Matt?), once pc recognizes camera, open camera folder where picture is located (but Matt, all these files have the same name!!-->not really uncle rueben, go to view settings and click on thumbnail,but I can hardly see that picture, I have to open each one up, is that okay Matt?, yes uncle ruben, that's fine). once you find the right picture, download it to your camera. fifth, go to your email, type in the email you want to send the picture to, and then click on the paper clip, find the picture, attach it and then send it.

By that time, Uncle Rueben's eyes have a distinct glaze over them and he is looking at me like I've grown two heads...So when I got his iPad to him, I had him take my picture (ugh), then go to the photo file, press on that, press on the arrow in the upper right corner, type in email address, hit send. We practiced it for about 3 minutes and after that he was a photographing, email sending Uncle Rueben. His photos, taken from his new iPad, is just as good as his little Sony Cyber Shot. He heard about this grand pa and grandma on the news the last night where they found out about Photo Booth and started posting in YouTube. Now my uncle wants to know about Photo Booth and uploading video-->Matt, can my iPad take videos? YIKES!!!
That sounds awesome Matt! Your uncle is lucky to have you & I hope you know how lucky you are to have him! Enjoy him! My grandmother had a stroke in October & is still struggling so hard to talk & I miss her wicked sense of humor! Even miss her calling me & asking me is my Comast internet off to even though I've told her a thousand times I've had ATT internet for years now! :rolleyes:

Thanks for all ya'lls hints. I won't have my 1st IPAD until April, but I'm making a file of any info I think I can use to help me enjoy my 1st Apple product to the fullest!
Matt, I'm in the process of helping my dad get an iPad too...so I feel ya man. My dad used to use netbooks and stuff....no more of that!

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