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Why would i need to Ssh?

iFile and openSSH are to modify file system.

For example you went onto torrent site and got a .deb package of a program that normally cost money in App Store or Cydia. (by let's say typing into google "progname torrent") You can install it using openSSH (think in terms of Command Prompt in Windows or Terminal in Linux). iPad is a Linux distro called Darwin, and openSSH is just a Terminal on it. You need it to mod your iPad in some instances. When you install openSSH, there won't be icon on your iPad, it's a service, into which you can login through terminal.

SHSH, as above confused with openSSH, is related to Mac's hardware encryption. SHSH is a marketing device, it enables exclusivity. Like face control at clubs.
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Theguitarhero777 said:

Why would I need to "SSH into my device"? Is it for developers of cydia and will/can it do harm to my iPad 1?

If u get open ssh, change the default password as other people can hack into your iPad if you don't. Default password is "alpine", I think. Anyways change it to ur own. Honestly open ssh is not needed. There are more easier/safer methods to get things into your iPad through jailbreak methods. Open ssh is for the hardcore users mostly.

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
^^Tell us more about those methods.

As for op if you install openSSH and don't change default password, a hacker could get onto your device while you're on 3G or WiFi and do things like steal your data, take money from your bank account or SIM card, use your camera to watch what you doing, etc.
gray_mouse said:
^^Tell us more about those methods.

As for op if you install openSSH and don't change default password, a hacker could get onto your device while you're on 3G or WiFi and do things like steal your data, take money from your bank account or SIM card, use your camera to watch what you doing, etc.

Well u already mentioned one, being ifiles. Ifiles is the sole reason I Jailbroke. So I wouldn't be chained to desktop iTunes and do everything from within my iPad. For ex. A vid. Format that doesn't play in default media player. All I do now is download video/movie on my iPad. Use ifiles to copy/cut/paste that file into the documents folder of whatever 3rd party media player app I have and Bam! I'm done. I can now open that app and my movie is there. W/o ifiles, I'd have to sync iPad to iTunes, on PC, then download or upload vid to iTunes, then sync it back to iPad..blah blah blah...to much hassle. I can do it my way, anywhere I'm at. With iTunes, u have to have iPad chained to desktop/laptop. That's just one example of my use for ifiles.
As for other methods to get stuff, like u mentioned in ur post, can't disclose that as it's against forum rules. In case u didn't know. They don't like talk or chat about getting pirated apps. Not how to go about doing it or where to get them from. Mods will edit your post and may slap ya with an infraction. Search around enough and you will find what u looking for if u choose. Google is great for that. But can't say any details. I learned the hard way myself up here. So definitely keep stuff like that on da low. Forum doesn't like or condone Pirates...Arrrghhhh, Shiver me timbersss! Lmfao

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
I learned the hard way myself up here. So definitely keep stuff like that on da low. Forum doesn't like or condone Pirates...Arrrghhhh, Shiver me timbersss! Lmfao

Too funny! You're killin me here!!

But it is true ~ so the less talk the better.

So ~ D ~ when we are JB, we don't have to use iTunes anymore??
SweetPoison said:
Too funny! You're killin me here!!

But it is true ~ so the less talk the better.

So ~ D ~ when we are JB, we don't have to use iTunes anymore??

Glad u found that funny. As far as iTunes, it is still needed to backup or upgrade the iOS version. But for other things like transferring media/files etc... I've found workarounds that I no longer need iTunes to do those things. That's why I love ifiles(from Cydia) so much. It gives u almost complete control over internal iPad file system. Ok, here's another good example. With standard iPad and camera connection kit, it'll only show pics and vids from your card. And only supported formats at that. With a Jailbroken iPad and ifiles, I can see " Everything" that's on that SD card or USB drive. Just like on a regular pc. Then I can copy/cut/paste files from SD card wherever I want, in the appropriate section. Standard iPad won't recognize other video formats not supported, thru SD card. With jailbreak and ifiles, I can see all those videos now and put them in the 3rd party apps document folder. Then when I open the app up. My movie is there. All of this done within the iPad itself. Not having to go thru long tedious iTunes process. Ifiles is why I Jailbroke. Everything else is just extra fun/more usability added to the mix. Like customizing the UI, display out, which mirrors ecpverything on my iPad to my tv. Even the sounds iPad makes can be changed. You would think my iPad is a robot with a British accented female voice. Like when I put it to sleep, my iPad says Sleep Mode Activated. New emails, she says new emails received. Email sent, your email has been sent. And so on. Little stuff like that kind of customizations adds to the user experience IMO. That's just the tip of the iceberg with jail braking ;-)

Sent from my Jailbroken IPad on 4.2.1 ;-)
SweetPoison said:
Too funny! You're killin me here!!

But it is true ~ so the less talk the better.

So ~ D ~ when we are JB, we don't have to use iTunes anymore??

It's optional till a certain extend to use iTunes.

Sent from my interestingcompanionPad using iPF!

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