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Will any app allow me to stream my Panasonic Camcorder videos onto my iPad?


iPF Noob
So I recently purchased a WD MyBook Live storage device with the hope of streaming all my videos, photos and music to the various devices in my house including my AV Receiver, iPad, PC's, etc.

Everything seems to be working fine, except for the videos. The videos are AVCHD format from a Panasonic HD camera. Which apparently the iPad doesn't play natively. But I find it hard to believe that no app exists that can convert these on the fly to play on an iPad, even with some sort of latency/time delay built in for the conversion?

Is this really the case, or is there something out there? I've tried Airplayit, but it wouldn't get the files to play on the iPad, plus I have to have a PC on for it to work and ideally I'd not want to do that since the WD Live acts as a NAS without the need for a running computer.

Try AirVideo. If it doesn't support AVCHD directly then you will have to run those files though some converter. But once you do AirVideo will stream and convert/compress on the fly. It works well but will work your host PC. I used to do this a lot but eventually found it was not work the heat. I rarely use all the footage I take and so I just use a movie editor and storyboard a video and finally convert it to a edited, streamlined mp4. But you can do what suits you once you get the files in a format that Air Video handles.
I guess what I was hoping for was something that could sit on the NAS drive itself without the need for a PC to be on. Or, FTM, an app that has developed a codec that permits the iPad devices to actually render AVCHD. It's somewhat shocking that it doesn't exist, given how popular AVCHD has become with HD camcorders. I.e., the ability to simply view an AVCHD movie like any other on an iPad seems like a no brainer request!
I guess what I was hoping for was something that could sit on the NAS drive itself without the need for a PC to be on. Or, FTM, an app that has developed a codec that permits the iPad devices to actually render AVCHD. It's somewhat shocking that it doesn't exist, given how popular AVCHD has become with HD camcorders. I.e., the ability to simply view an AVCHD movie like any other on an iPad seems like a no brainer request!

Not really....those files are massive....and few people actually use unedited video files. I take mine into a movie editor, cut out bits i dont want, arrange,add transitions and such, discard most of it, then crunch down into a common movie format. This is what those zillions of YouTube video makers have done.
I don't know, I have tons of videos that I've stored off my camcorder which I prefer not to have to go into and edit as we take tons of our kids at various times as they grow up.

In any event, if I was to go in and convert the videos into a format that is the highest quality (I don't care about space as much), is there one that is recommended that works well with the iPad as it would be nice to watch our home videos on it?
You may want to try this; check out this web page, vhs-to-dvd-converter-review.toptenreviews.com. The device cost $69.99. I haven't tried it myself, but i too have lots of vhs's i would like to convert. I do have a sound blaster that i connect directly to my computer and convert my old albums to digital. This is a great device, but i'm sure. you dont have any old albums. I too will purchase that device and if it's works, i will get back to you. Freddie
I don't know, I have tons of videos that I've stored off my camcorder which I prefer not to have to go into and edit as we take tons of our kids at various times as they grow up.

In any event, if I was to go in and convert the videos into a format that is the highest quality (I don't care about space as much), is there one that is recommended that works well with the iPad as it would be nice to watch our home videos on it?

I'm not 100% sure there is not a player out there that won't do what you are looking for, I just don't know of what. I suspect the bit-rates of the cameras outpaces with an iPad could handle.

I would convert to h.264 mp4 or mv4 files. Those work natively.

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