Fortune’s Tech blog highlight’s Jawbone’s Jambox Bluetooth speaker in a feature today, and I have to say that just from reading the article and looking at the photos I already want one! It’s just one of those devices that looks so stylish, and seems to fit so perfectly with the iPad’s cool factor. And, most importantly of course, it apparently sounds amazing too. Jawbone CEO Hosain Rahman tells Fortune that the Jambox is an updated version of the early ‘80s boombox, enabling you to easily share your music, or film or game soundtrack on the move. The Jamboxes will stream music from your phone, laptop, iPad, or from any Bluetooth enabled device, in fact. They come in red, silver, blue and black, with wrap-around painted metal grills in various patterns. In fact they look a little space age, so no wonder they prove to be such a talking point with anyone that sees them.
Jamboxes will be arriving in Apple stores and some Best Buys from November 16th, for $199.
Source: Fortune
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