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Windows 95 on the iPad


iPF Noob
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9NeRQjGwfs]YouTube - Windows 95 on iPad[/ame]

Does it have flash and/or multitasking?
Saw this, it doesn't make much sense. Win 95 can run on a pentium 75 with 32 mb ram,why is this emulator running so horribly?
Why in the name of all that is holy, would anyone want to run Windows 95 on anything..... Much less an iPad. I was there, and those were the infamous days of the blue screen of death......
LOL, that's about all I get from this. No way would I ever put Win 95 on my iPad. Some people just like to do crazy stuff like this, I guess.

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