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WINDOWS Jailbreak For iPhone 4S & iPad 2 RELEASED! Greenpois0n Absinthe 5.0 & 5.0.1

Please help. How do I remove jailbreak by absinthe from my iPad 2 ? Thanks in advance

All you have to do is coronet your iPad to iTunes and select restore. After iTunes is done, you'll have a stock iPad.

Good luck.

hi. i am just wondering.. if i'm going to jailbreak my ipad 2, will the previous data and downloads from itunes be erased? sorry i'm just new to this.thank you :)

Just do a backup right before you jail break - just in case you have to restore during the JB process. But, the jail break should "merely" put a Cydia icon on your iPad; it'll change nothing else and your iPad will look just the same. You will even be able to hook it to iTunes as you did before the jail break.

Hope this reassures.

Doesn't work for me.

Got stuck at "Beginning jailbreak, this may take a while."

It froze and closed itself, now when I launch it it says that the jailbreak previously failed, and it will try to repair it. Then it does, says to unplug and retry. Then I retry and it just says again that the last jailbreak failed, it will try to repair it.

I have the same problem. Marilyn please help
If you are trying to use the GUI version, may I suggest you do a restore of the iPad (through iTunes) and then try the Windows command line & CLI version as outlines here: http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...d2-5-0-1-absinthe-using-windows-cli-tool.html

It's worth a shot, yeah? Sometimes, Windows set-ups are so different for each person that I imagine the GUI gets a bit confused.

*Disclaimer: I did not use the GUI tool to do my jail break - so I cannot say what happens, nor do I really know anything on how it works.

Sorry, but other than that suggestion, it's all I've got.


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