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Windows or iTunes do not recognize my ipad


iPF Noob
My iPad will not boot up completely. I have attempted to put the device into Restore Mode and DFU mode but always get the USB Device Not Recognized error from Windows. I have checked the device manager and the device is listed as unknown. I have a second iPad and I have no problems connecting this iPad to my computer and syncing with iTunes. Any tips or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Welcome to the forum! There are a lot of great people here willing to lend a hand anytime. Often using the search feature (in the toolbar at the top of every page) will lead you to the answers you're looking for. If not, feel free to post a question in the appropriate area.

Please take a moment to view the information linked below my signature to get the most out of your iPad as well as our forum.

Sorry to hear about your dilemma, Simply restarting the iPad can fix most issues. Hold down the power switch (outside edge) by itself until the red slider appears. Turn it off by sliding the switch and then once again hold down the power switch until the Apple logo appears.

Resetting the iPad should be reserved for a non-responsive unit as it addresses other activity but if restarting doesn't do it, resetting it might. Hold down the power and home buttons until the slider appears and shut it down. Hold down the power switch again until the Apple logo appears. Fully booting up from a reset will take a little longer than a restart.

More here:

iPhone, iPad, iPod touch: Turning off and on (restarting) and resetting

Failing that you could try deleting the current backup as it may be corrupted. Open iTunes (without connecting your iPad). Click on iTunes > Preferences (top tool bar) > Devices. Click on the iPad in question’s backup and click the “Delete Backup†button. Then connect your iPad once again and see how it goes. More here:

iPad: About backups

Let us know if that helps. Others may have some more suggestions as well.

Welcome again and enjoy!
I have tried power cycling this iPad in which it always go the the iTunes screen. I don't see a way of restoring the iOS on the iPad without Windows recognizing the device so that iTunes can actually see it as well. I have looked for a 3rd party piece of software that could restore or reload the iOS without the use of iTunes. Any tips or ideas is greatly appreciated.
I have tried power cycling this iPad in which it always go the the iTunes screen. I don't see a way of restoring the iOS on the iPad without Windows recognizing the device so that iTunes can actually see it as well. I have looked for a 3rd party piece of software that could restore or reload the iOS without the use of iTunes. Any tips or ideas is greatly appreciated.
Are you logged into your PC as an Administrator? Can you turn off all security/virus programs? I've read posts where some applications block the iPad for some reason.

Is there another computer that you could use (even temporarily)? Install iTunes, log in with your Apple ID and then try to sync or restore, etc.?

If that doesn't work, are you anywhere near an Apple store? They can restore it for you and then maybe your computer would recognize it.

If that's not an option I'd just call Apple support (free for the first 90 days) and see what they suggest. There may be something wrong with your iPad or they may have some sort of workaround.

U.S. Technical Support: 1-800-APL-CARE (1-800-275-2273)

Here is the contact information for Apple around the world:

Contacting Apple for support and service

Best of luck and let us know how it goes!

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