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Wont let me install

I have a wifi only iPad and I realize it won't work on the road without service........but I'll be tethering my droid x to the iPad to have service so why won't it let me download?


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Q8. “Will the application work with a WiFi iPad if it is hooked up to an external GPS device?”

A8. At this time, there aren't any external GPS modules compatible with the WiFi iPad that don't require a jail-broken device. We will update the MotionX News Room if compatible devices become available.

Apparently I'm lost because I thought the app itself is the gps?!
GPS is hardware, not software. The GPS hardware receives the signals from the GPS satellites in orbit.

MotionX, and other apps, interpret the signals and put them into something we can use rather than just the raw data received by the GPS radio.
As for why it won't let you install, that's to keep hoards of angry customers from storming Cupertino demanding their money back for apps that don't work on their device.

Even so, there is the occasional mob milling about looking for an unguarded entrance. I think they are all lawyers though. ;)
twerppoet said:
As for why it won't let you install, that's to keep hoards of angry customers from storming Cupertino demanding their money back for apps that don't work on their device.

Even so, there is the occasional mob milling about looking for an unguarded entrance. I think they are all lawyers though. ;)

OT--I enjoy your comments.
Sorry. I really would have rather been helpful (well, mostly rather) but I don't know of any solution outside the few GPS/app solutions you have to pay for.

If you ever do find one please let us know. Even though I have a GPS iPad I also have a Droid X, and it sounds like it would be something interesting to play with.
Oh your good.....Ill take a look at this stuff, I just hate not being able to do stuff when I can visualize in my head!!!!!! Drives me nuts lol is there a lot to jail breaking? Does it change a lot of looks on this thing or what?
I can't really help you with jaibreaking. While I've looked at it briefly, but I just don't need it for anything I do or want to do badly enough to bother.

There is a iPad Hacking area on the forum. Head over there and read some, ask some questions. Better your answers come from some more experienced hands.

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