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Would you be interested in a 7-inch Apple iPad?

If you didn't own an iPad and were buying new, which version would you buy?

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Jan 17, 2010
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There are a ton of rumors floating around the interwebs right now about Apple possibly working on a 7" tablet so that it has coverage in an area that is going to be flooded soon with Android Tablets.

The question is: How much market is there for an Apple 7" iPad?

If your on this site its likely because you already have an iPad, so the odds of you buying a 7" iPad just because of the size difference is pretty slim. But ask yourself... if you were buying your first iPad today and you had a choice, which would you choose?

Some people are sure to love the extra large screen, but then again the 7" version would be much more portable and should also get better battery life.

Please let us know the benefits you see of the 7" iPad vs. the 9.7" iPad and let us know as a reply to this post. Also, please be sure to participate in the poll so we can get some accurate numbers.

(Source: GigaOm)
Thing is, there is only $100 between the top of the iPod touch range and the bottom of the iPad range, so what is gonna give? They can't make the iPads cost more, so they would have to drop the prices on the iPods that they only just released.
The perfect 7" device for me would be an iPad with color E-ink display (or the equivalent) that can be read in broad daylight. (You can say what you want about the anti-glare filters. It is not the same.) At the right price point, I would have bought one last April. It would be lighter and the battery would last longer. I like the bigger brighter screen, but there are situations when a smaller, lighter unit would be more convenient. But, the original question I guess is would I buy a 7" version of what we have now...NO. The pricing structures are going to have to be revamped to make it work. BTW, the current device at a higher price surely is not an option.
Thing is, there is only $100 between the top of the iPod touch range and the bottom of the iPad range, so what is gonna give? They can't make the iPads cost more, so they would have to drop the prices on the iPods that they only just released.

Wouldn't surprise me if they dropped prices $50 on the pods, and the pads in 7" came with 3G on all 7" models.

So maybe something like this - current iPad wi-fi 16gb @ $499 with 7" wi-fi + 3G 16gb @ $449.

Personally, I have no need for a 7". I think the screen size is perfect right now. They just need a more resistant back because bare this thing slides around in my hands lol
Depends on pricing and specs. Definitely not interested in an iPod touch, but I do see the pricing dilemma. It would probably come down to just one 7 inch model (maybe in terms of HD, but there will probably be 3g/wifi only models). More than one makes pricing even more of a hassle.

I do like the size of my iPad right now, I think it's perfect, but who knows, maybe if I had a go at a 7 inch one I might learn to like it too.
Two weeks ago I would have said no. But when I saw the demo of the Samsung, and how it at least seemed a lot more portable I don't know anymore. On one hand I think, yea I could see me bringing that to the supermarket, whereas no way with my current iPad. On the other hand I already have an iPhone... and it is fine for grocery lists and things like that. And my iPhone goes right in my back pocket. No need to worry about storing it.

So my concern is that "more portable" still might not be "portable enough." Lots of gadgets I have owned through the years fell into that category--probably starting with my first-ever Apple product: a Newton.

if there was a significant price difference then i would definitely buy a second 7" ipad for my better half :p...although who will end up with the smaller screen will be a long and hard debate.

$50 bucks ain't enough for me to get a 7" model over the 9" model though.
If the 7 inch iPad is significantly lower in price and weight, I would definitely consider buying it. Otherwise, don't see a need for it as the current size is perfect. As far as portability, I just use my iPhone when I'm out and about.
I've said it from the beginning. A 7" iPad is just about the size of most ebook readers, thus as portable. To sell it must be cheaper than the iPad. With both these assets kids will flock to it as they have to the iPod Touch.
A 7" iPad would be worthless to me.

You gain very small advantage over iPads or over a Touch.
. . . and you keep many of the disadvantages of each.

Bigger than a Touch, but still not big enough for flexible easy browsing.
Smaller and lighter than an iPad, but still not small enough to throw in your pocket.

Many other similar comparisons come to mind, but those are a couple of examples.


I bought one of the early, 7" net books, . . .
and after the first week, it is now still gathering desk on a shelf.

Well today I woke up groggy and reached for my iPad in bed. Maybe I am a wimp but the thing felt like it weighed a ton.

As far as the comments about a 7" version being not much bigger than an iPod Touch... far from it: a 7" iPad screen would be a full four times the size screen of a Touch/iPhone. That is a huge increase to me and I think I would OK browsing on it. Would want same 1024*768 res as current iPad, of course.


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