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Xilisoft iPad Magic


iPF Noob
Hello everybody,

I do not like iTunes and got Xilisoft iPad Magic to install and manage music, books and stuff on my iPad! Everything worked great until today!

I started iTunes to check something and got the usual update window which I canceled. But when I went back to the Xilisoft software none of my music files or my ebooks showed up anymore! Xilisoft shows the stored bytes as other stuff but no individual files anymore!

Any idea what happend? and of course how to get the full functionality of Xilisoft Ipad Magic back???

Thanks a lot for your comments and ideas!
ok here's an update! :-)

After testing all kind of things I found that iTunes too could not read my iPad anymore! That got me to thinking! I searched the internet and found that others have similar problems. I read that one guy tried to delete some itnernal files and afterward everything worked again. Somebody else suggested to use MediaMonkey. Since I did not want to go inside the operating system I tried MediaMonkey. I downloaded a free trial version and tested my iPad. There too the iPad showed with memory being taken by "unknown" stuff and neither books not music showing anything. I then saved a new song to my iPad with MediaMonkey and that showed up. I then used iTunes again and iTunes could read my iPad again. After a new sync everything is back to normal!

Right now I think maybe I caused the whole problem by using Xilisoft iPad Magic???? And frankly I do not know if I can or should use that software again! It is just so conveniant and nice to use - much like I expect the iPad should be handled. Almost the same like a laptop! I think that it really is very bad that Apple restriced the use of the iPhone and iPad to their iTunes software! This is not how I like it!

OK problem solved! :-)
Thanks for reading!!! :-)

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