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Yet another reason I love my iPad


iPF Noob
My company is putting me up in a corporate rental for months and I didn't bring a printer from home. I needed to sign some legal documents just now, but couldn't print them from an email attachment.

So I just googled "how to sign documents on iPad" and found a blog post that someone wrote, with instructions and an app recommendation. I didn't bother reading the directions on the blog or the app. I just bought it, bumbled my way around and was able to create a copy of the PDF form, sign it with my finger and email it.

I CC'd myself to see what the recipient would receive. Worked perfectly!
I used TakeNotes. I googled "how to sign documents on iPad," and some realtor's blog post popped up with the app recommendation and a bunch of instructions to do more complex stuff, so I figured he'd test-driven it a bunch, so it must work.

There might be better apps. I didn't spend time comparing. I just bought the app and did my signing as quickly as possible.

Yes it's another reason why iPad is so popular with us. There are also many smart program to help us out of troubles and get much more abilities to sue it. Superb!
WOW ! I've been looking for something like this for a long time .
This Forum is better than Google :D

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