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iPF Noob
Mar 5, 2012
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I recently bought my ipad2 and was able to use my YouTube account for about 2 days before it kicked me out and now I cannot log in to save my life.
I signed up again with a different user name, (act of desperation) and tried that. That didn't work either of course, because the user name isn't the problem. Is there a problem between apple and google? Why does YouTube hate my iPad?

I tried to access my YouTube account by signing in though a third party tube app. That worked to an extent because it successfully signed me in to my account, but I couldn't access any YouTube videos through it whatsoever.

I have looked on line and seen various people describe various similar problems to me, I have tried some fixes too, none have worked.. It's so frustrating!

Many thanks.
Sounds like a pain, and something I can't help you with as I haven't experienced this problem. Because you haven't stated the 'fixes', you've tried I don't know whether you've tried these already, but if you haven't, it's worth a try.
First of all I'd like to point out this is worth doing whenever you have a problem with anything on your idevice.
As this is something to do with an app first I'd recommend closing it.
To do this bring up the multitasking bar (double tap the home key) and then hold the app till it starts to jiggle. At this point a red minus will appear. If you press this is will close it completely (it WON'T delete it don't worry). It's worth doing this to all your apps every so often as it frees up ram.
If this fails try restarting your iPad. To do this hold the power key down until the turn off swipe appears, swipe this and your iPad will turn off, then turn it back on like normal.
If thats also failed you can try doing a soft reset. To do this hold the power and home key till the iPad turns off completely. Now turn it back on like normal (this will take slightly longer than usual but don't worry thats normal). Hopefully this should clear it. If not come back and hopefully we can find something else to do.
Best of luck!

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Yes I have done those ones..many thanks, I have dropped the @myemail.com from the end of the user when I logged in, I can't remember what else I did... This iPad is brand new I couldn't wait for the ipad3 by about a week,

What else could it be do u think?

Much appreciated
As much as I'd like to help you with this I really can't give you anything else. I'm racking my brains for a fix but can't come up with anything, I'll fiddle around with my YouTube app and see whether I can come up with anything but don't hold you're breath. Hopefully there's someone on here that might know what to do :).

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Aw okay, thank you for replying to my thread. It's weird though because I just installed a third party app for YouTube and that logs in fine, BUT then something happens to this app and it stops displaying all it's movies and becomes totally useless. Then I log out of you tube and I can use the app again, and search and watch movies fine. Very strange.

I wouldn't mind so much if I had jail broken the thing, etc, but I've only had it two weeks.
I looked for a diagnoses app or something but, cant find one of those either.

Many thanks
I've fiddled around with my iPad for quite some time and can't replicate what you're experiencing so I'm not going to be much use unfortunately. Sorry :/.

Sent via iPF from my iPad2 iOS 5.1.
That is very kind of you to try and do that for me Luke, much thanks to you mate. I've started uninstalling apps, to see if that will work. I wonder if it's possible to do format the iPad to how it was when I bought it, then I can start again, and I may find out what the offending detail is.

Thank you.
It's no problem! Have you tried restoring your iPad to a previous backup and seeing whether that fixes it? That'd be worth doing before you reset the whole thing back to its original settings etc.
EDIT: as it happens you won't lose too much by going back to original settings as you've only just got it, even so, worth checking whether a restore will do it anyway.
Also, it may be worth taking it to an apple store and getting the genius' to look at it, or at least go in, tell them your' problem and see what they say, it may turn out that they know about the problem and can give you reassurance that it'll be fixed soon, no promises though :/.

Sent via iPF from my iPad2 iOS 5.1.
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