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Zagg Mate Keys Repeating

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iPF Noob
I purchased a Zagg Mate from Best Buy about a month ago for my first gen iPad. Overall, I love it. However, about a week ago it started repeating keys as if the key was stuck. It would repeat any key I pressed endlessly until I turned the keyboard off and then turned it back on and it would be fine for 10-15 minutes and then it would do it again.

I thought it may need to be charged, so I fully charged it but it made no difference. I tried re-pairing the device several times but it would still periodically start repeating the keystrokes. I've sent Zagg an email about them problem a couple of days ago but haven't heard back from them.

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Anyone have any idea what could be causing this?

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Trouble with zagg keys repeating!!

I'm having exactly the same problem and its really frustrating. Did you fix your problem? I'd really appreciate any advice.
Id bring it back to BB and exchange it for a new one.

Agreed if withinn the 30 day window.
If you look on the Zagg mate review thread with over 600 replies there is a forum user named Zagg that is an awesome help to those of us who have had issues. I'd look there if the unit is older than 30 days .
Except for my occasional "8" key going nuts and my "," button sticking sometimes I really enjoy mine. user Zagg suggested I could get another, provided a link, but it only does it occasionally so I just live with it.

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I'm having the exact same issue and unfortunately I got my online and it is over 30 days old. If I turn off the keyboard and iPad and restart both, the problem goes away. very annoying. has anyone gotten a resolution to this?
Zagg keys repeating

I too have had the Zagg folio for about 3 weeks now. Today while typing notes from a meeting, the kyes started to rrepeat constantly. I had to stop typing as it was very annoying. I read this thread and decided to reboot the ipad turned off the keyboard. Right now it appears ok. If it happens again I am taking it back to Best Buy and will not have it replaced but instead will purchase another product.
When Zagg keyboard started repeating this morning-I started a small panic. Thanks for the suggestions on turning both the iPad and keyboard off. It is working properly again. I love my Zaggfolio and am glad that it is working again!
This happened with my first Zagg keyboard, and I seem to remember reading here (or in the Accessories forum) that the answer was to re-pair (not repair) the keyboard with the iPad. I think I did this and it solved the problem.
The repeating key problem won't be fixed by swapping out a Zagg keyboard. It appears to be a combination of issues: 1) too many past apps still open and memory issues; 2) bluetooth errors. It occurs about once a week with both early and recent illuminated versions, IME. I clear all prior opened apps, then do a restart with both the home button and the side switch depressed. Only occasionally do I do a re-pairing just to be sure.
I am experience the exact same thing right now and seem to find any solution. If nothing shows in this forum I will return it to seller today.

Thanks for posting here.

Since thread is from 2012, chances are that the members who participated here have found an answer and have moved on.

We will now close this thread.

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