Just bought my first apple product...mini-Ipad to read and instantly download magazines, newspaper, books and browse internet. Hopped on board the Apple wagon and am regretting it ! Not a good experience for my first apple device. Wish I had waited for the retina display or better yet, bought the regular size.
1) I have had to reboot my mini-Ipad a dozen times since I have had it (5d) due to it getting stuck in this super zoom state that I cannot rezoom back to normal size. this just happened when I pressed the home key and now I can't see the icons on my bottom bar ...ugh! My apple savy son also tried to resize and says this is a bug and that they will fix it soon.
2) I find the text on this device very difficult to read (too small or too fuzzy). The first thing I did when setting it up is to change; a) zoom on, b) font text=40 but this only helps for certain tasks. The apple titles are all still very small (folders, bookshelf, newsshelf, time bar at top) so unless the app has an increase font option, I find myself constantly zooming the text by dble tapping the article to enlarge to full screen...very annoying! However, sometimes it seems to zoom so large that I can't get it back to normal unless I reboot (see #1) above.
Can anyone lend me some tips on easier reading experience (avid reader) and verify if #1 is due to inexperience or a bug? Or maybe I just need a new pair of reading glasses, eh!
1) I have had to reboot my mini-Ipad a dozen times since I have had it (5d) due to it getting stuck in this super zoom state that I cannot rezoom back to normal size. this just happened when I pressed the home key and now I can't see the icons on my bottom bar ...ugh! My apple savy son also tried to resize and says this is a bug and that they will fix it soon.
2) I find the text on this device very difficult to read (too small or too fuzzy). The first thing I did when setting it up is to change; a) zoom on, b) font text=40 but this only helps for certain tasks. The apple titles are all still very small (folders, bookshelf, newsshelf, time bar at top) so unless the app has an increase font option, I find myself constantly zooming the text by dble tapping the article to enlarge to full screen...very annoying! However, sometimes it seems to zoom so large that I can't get it back to normal unless I reboot (see #1) above.
Can anyone lend me some tips on easier reading experience (avid reader) and verify if #1 is due to inexperience or a bug? Or maybe I just need a new pair of reading glasses, eh!