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Bluetooth connecting to laptop with Ipad2


iPF Noob
Jul 4, 2011
Reaction score
Hi Guys,

I have tried to connect my ipad2 to Blackberry Curve 8300 with no suceess, simply to transfer the odd photo etc. Not too concerned that it did not allow me to.......
But it also seems to fail in connecting with my laptop via BT. saying unable to detect service. Surely thats not right?
I make them both discoverable and actually via the laptop wizard get right down to putting in passkey on both devices I put my own in and it comes up on ipad2 screen, i put same one in and it fails saying unable to detect service.......don't think its the passkey...unless I need to put in a default passkey supplied with ipad2?
If so how do I find what the passkey is for ipad?
and should my ipad connect to a laptop via BT on ipad2 or is it so limited on this respect to what it will allow connection to? I cant believe I need to do something very special just to connect my ipad to a laptop?

any help appreciated

I assume what you're trying to do is to gain access to your laptop's file system via bluetooth. Sorry. Apple knows you shouldn't do that. It would violate Apple's view of how your iPad should work and how you should use it. Bluetooth on the iPad is quite limited. It will enable you to connect to external speakers and an external keyboard (but not a keypad). There are other alternatives that involve moving files to "the cloud" (via iCloud, DropBox, etc.) and then moving the files to your iPad. Or you can email files (within limits) to yourself and pick them up on the iPad. PITA? Yup. But you can console yourself that you are acting in the manner approved of by Apple.
jsh1120. Thanks for that, it has saved hours of trying for no reward.
Yes I was simply trying to connect ipad2 to my laptop via BT for some easy file transfers. Photos etc from ipad to the laptop. Shame ipad doesnt allow that would make life simpler.
I do use dropbox etc I suspect the easiest way would be to upload from ipad to dropbox and download from dropbox to laptop. Just an extra hurdle
Thanks for the reply and confirmation


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