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Digital Camera w/ Wi-Fi to Upload to an iPad - need suggestions?


iPad Fan
Apr 26, 2011
Reaction score
North Carolina
Hi All! In the next month or two, I plan to replace my iPad 2 w/ an Air - I don't want to fuss w/ a CCK (Camera Connection Kit - i.e. would have to buy a new one) and would rather explore buying a new camera w/ Wi-Fi capability (not available when I purchased my Panasonic Lumix a while back) - NOW, there are cameras w/ built-in Wi-Fi and/or Wi-Fi SD cards - BUT, how easily can these images be sent to an iPad Air? Need an app? Need an intermediary Wi-Fi storage device?

Now I'm just starting my research and am currently looking at the Panasonic Lumix below (yes, point & shoot, but I want something to put on my belt) - not sure yet just what the options might be w/ this camera or others or SD cards w/ built-in Wi-Fi - SO, I'm sure that there are plenty of us wanting to make this 'wireless' transition and dispense w/ finding & carrying a CCK on a trip. SO, suggestions, experiences, advice, etc. - thanks. Dave :)

Hi All! In the next month or two, I plan to replace my iPad 2 w/ an Air - I don't want to fuss w/ a CCK (Camera Connection Kit - i.e. would have to buy a new one) and would rather explore buying a new camera w/ Wi-Fi capability (not available when I purchased my Panasonic Lumix a while back) - NOW, there are cameras w/ built-in Wi-Fi and/or Wi-Fi SD cards - BUT, how easily can these images be sent to an iPad Air? Need an app? Need an intermediary Wi-Fi storage device?

Now I'm just starting my research and am currently looking at the Panasonic Lumix below (yes, point & shoot, but I want something to put on my belt) - not sure yet just what the options might be w/ this camera or others or SD cards w/ built-in Wi-Fi - SO, I'm sure that there are plenty of us wanting to make this 'wireless' transition and dispense w/ finding & carrying a CCK on a trip. SO, suggestions, experiences, advice, etc. - thanks. Dave :)

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=50408"/>

I have DSLRs and both have built in WiFi. You simply get the app and it let's you transfer. I don't do a lot of that because I process my images on a PC, but it can be done. But there is no standard for this and you can expect differences with each camera and manufacturer. I would bring also external storage and not expect to save all those images on my iPad storage, so a WiFi drive would be nice.
I would also like to latch onto the coat tails of Dave's question/s but specifically re WiFi SD cards within that. Anyone's experience with those as well? Notification of any conclusions of your researches would also be appreciated, Dave. I own neither a WiFi camera or WiFi card but am likewise very interested.
As I have the new Olympus OMD (no WiFi transfer) I was interested in this link:
But there other links which may be of interest more generally for other non WiFi cameras...eg
....And so forth...where it MAY be cheaper to go via such a card rather than buy a new camera.

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
I hear from other photogs that the wifi cards work fine, but they are slow, the cost is high for the capacity you get....I'd get something like an Air Stash or another wifi drive...you get more options and better transfers because they are not inside a camera...that's got to be a compromise for the antennas they used being inside a slot in a camera. A wifi drive will be out in the open and its antennas won't be enclosed inside the housing of a camera. Likely to get better transfers.
I hear from other photogs that the wifi cards work fine, but they are slow, the cost is high for the capacity you get....I'd get something like an Air Stash or another wifi drive...you get more options and better transfers because they are not inside a camera...that's got to be a compromise for the antennas they used being inside a slot in a camera. A wifi drive will be out in the open and its antennas won't be enclosed inside the housing of a camera. Likely to get better transfers.

Thanks AQ, I had forgotten the Air Stash option...it's been around for a while and worth considering I reckon. As long as we are not getting too close to the CCK option which is what I think Dave's post was alluding to. I also bought the Apotop Wi-Reader a couple of months ago which is much more versatile than the CCK for fast transfers from the SD card. Geez, technology....:)

Sent from Oz using Tapatalk
Thanks AQ & Andrew for your comments; I reviewed AirStash not too long ago and must look again - might meet my needs; also looked at some of the portable Wi-Fi storage/transfer devices, so yet another consideration; AND, will certainly look at the Wi-Fi SD cards before buying a camera - could be quite satisfied w/ a less expensive alternate.

Most of my image editing is also done on my MBPro rather than an iPad - but would still be nice to transfer images wirelessly to that computer; on the road w/ my iPad I usually will not import images and if I do, then just cropping & resizing is about all I want to do. There are indeed plenty of photo choices these days - looking forward to other comments & experiences w/ these newer electronic gizmos! Dave :)
Well, I just finished reading the manual on the AirStash (A02) and looked at a few FAQs - this device may meet my needs w/o spending $$ on a new Wi-Fi camera - now for those considering a purchase - the AirStash has no 'built-in' memory, i.e. a SD card is inserted (apparently there are 2 models w/ a more costly one accepting a larger capacity SD card); and for the iPad, the AirStash+ app is a free download and scans for the AirStash when Wi-Fi is on (seems to be a 'separate' network) - a couple of other questions: 1) How to connect to a Mac or PC computer wirelessly - this is covered in the manual, but for those who may own this device, comments would be welcomed; and 2) I was concerned about charging the device which is done via the USB connector - wanted to make sure that the iDevice chargers would also be safe to use - below in the support FAQs, that question was answered.

SO, believe that I'll pick up an AirStash and maybe a newer higher capacity SD card for my 'old' camera - thanks for any further help! Dave :)

What USB power adapter should I use with AirStash?

AirStash Support
posted this on Jan 10 11:37

AirStash A02 can be used with many USB power adapters that support 500mA (USB 2.0 and later), including the iPhone/iPad Mini charger (1 amp) or the iPad charger (2.1 amp).
AirStash A02 will draw a maximum of 500mA.
I've been using the eye-fi wireless SD cards with a lot of success for about a year now. Transfer speeds are decent, nothing additional to carry. The app that works with them is free and it's very simple to use.

The card creates it's own wireless network that you direct the iPad to, at that point open app take a picture with your point and shoot or DST camera and it shows up full screen on the iPad. Works well, doesn't work with all cameras from my understanding though.
I've been using the eye-fi wireless SD cards with a lot of success for about a year now. Transfer speeds are decent, nothing additional to carry. The app that works with them is free and it's very simple to use.

The card creates it's own wireless network that you direct the iPad to, at that point open app take a picture with your point and shoot or DST camera and it shows up full screen on the iPad. Works well, doesn't work with all cameras from my understanding though.

The 'miniaturization' of electronics in the last few decades has just been phenomenal and will likely only continue until the technologies are down to 'atomic' dimensions - Stanene may be a solution? :)

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