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For those of you who DIDN'T have any problems upgrading to IOS 5.....


iPF Noob
Oct 1, 2011
Reaction score
Chicago, IL
With all the horror stories floating the web about IOS 5 and how badly the launch went for some people I figured we could have a thread for those of us who had a relatively painless upgrade so that people out there can get a perspective of how things went for most users out there.

My upgrade went flawlessly.

I started the update at 1230 PM Central time after updating iTunes the previous day and doing a manual backup and sync of the iPad. The update downloaded and installed in less than half an hour and was super easy to configure iCloud and the apps. The iCloud backup took about 5 hours over wi-fi for a 550 MB backup of my data.

This was honestly one of the most painless upgrades of software I have ever had in my life. My LG Optimus S upgrade to the latest Android OS version still cannot charge on anything but an OEM Charger since it's update. This update was great.
Thanks for letting us know!! It's typically only people who DO have problems that post their experiences so, as Marie says, it would be great for those of you who had no problems to let us know. That would encourage other Members who may have been worried by the posts from those Members that have had issues.

I posted somewhere else but 45 minutes from start to finish no issues with the update.
Had one App that didn't want to play ball but I then noticed there had been an update like there have been with many apps and as soon as I applied that everything is fine.

The AppleTV update didn't go quite as smoothly though.
No problems here with the upgrade. Don't know how long it took...I went for a run and it was done (waiting for me to sign in) when I returned. I know it was less than 40 minutes.

For whatever reason, some of my apps were not checked to backup during sync (little checkmark in iTunes) and they did not show up after upgrade. I had to add the checkmark afterwards, then all was well.

Syncing via wifi for me seems slow, but it appears to work. I have not tried the cloud.
2 out of our 3 ios devices updated flawlessly.
The other device's update was a little more bumpy but it was quickly resolved with no loss of data or settings.
All-in-all, not too bad.
went without a hitch, albeit slowly because of the net traffic. Started the download, went to lunch and came back and answered the dialogs and went to a meeting, came back to an upgraded iPad.

And wifi sync? Yeah, awesome. Mine went fine even when not plugged into the wall.
Here in Cali, I started the update promptly at 10am while at work where we have a 20MB T3 line. I then went to a meeting. About 20 min. later we took a short break and when I returned to my desk found that the iPad just finished restoring all my apps ~7GB worth. I was certain that I would have problems due to the high demand, but was pleasantly surprised how easy and fast it took.

Sent from my iPad2 using iPF
Virtually flawless. Over 100 systems updated in an 8 hour shift starting at about 8:30 in Malaysia, so 5:00pm on the 12th in California.

iPhone 3GSs, iPhone 4s, iPod touches, iPad 1s and 2s

Our network was saturated several times...

Padi hooked up backed up restored and restored from back up in 45 minutes or less. I went to dinner so I'm not exactly sure how long she was at her spa getting waxed up.
This is an excellent thread! To all of you with successful iOS 5 experiences, please specify whether you have upgraded an iPad 1 or a 2.

My update went without a hitch....started it at about 2 pm India time....which is late night in the US....the entire process from downloading to updating and initial setup took a little under an hour....no horror stories to tell ...fortunately :)

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Tapatalk
Updated my iPhone 4 and iPad 2 with no problems. It took about 40 ministers per device. Now I need to update my Apple TV software.

Sent from my iPad using iPF
I live in a rural spot in UK far from phone exchange -so ADSL broadband is slow. Nevertheless, within 3 hours I had updated ITunes, my Iphone3GS and IPAD2, and Apple TV. The only glitches I had occurred with transfer of my email account from "me.com" to "the cloud" . I ended up with 2 Apple ID's and 2 Cloud accounts. Fortunately, the Apple "Chat support" helped me solve this at 02am yesterday. I also had problems with Outlook and new. ICloud's mail account on the PC , which they also solved. It was not made clear beforehand that after updating you need to download a control panel item that changes everything for the email account in Outlook on a PC.. I then had to delete my old "me.com " email account on PC and the new IClloud control panel reinstated it on Outlook.

it took me some time how to configure "air play" mirroring to Apple TV on iPad2,. but that works really well now!

So this all must be a great success for Apple.

Well done!

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