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How can I use Ipad as a tablet interface on the pc


iPF Noob
Dec 3, 2011
Reaction score
Hi All

First post and all that - good info on here!!

Im a teacher and have been been producing screencasts for a while now using replay note which I have found useful, Im now wanting to make more technical/creative screen casts but love the control a stylus and ipad gives rather than the control ive had when used a pc/bamboo combo.

So im looking to somehow use the ipad and stylus as an input device for doinf screencasts on the pc - essentially looking to control and write using the ipad but for it to be recorded on the pc.

Not sure what I will need to do this but have looked at a few remote desktop apps - not sure if they will allow me to do what I want - essentially write on ipad with stylus, record output on the pc (much like the khan academy screencasts)

Any ideas welcome as to how and what apps to look for (even suggestions for screencasting on pc would be good) - ill try this forum first rather than the educational forum


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