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I make live musics with my iPad (like Madeon, M4sonics etc...)


iPF Noob
Dec 15, 2012
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Hi everyone !!
I joined this forum to share my experience on how I make music on the iPad.
Recently I decided to learn how to make live music like M4Sonic, but on an iPad (he uses a Novation Launchpad).

So after a month of training, here is the result on the Lemur app (+ Ableton Live 8) :

I didn't used quantification, so it's 100% live.

I'm going to post a tutorial soon, so keep wired !

Hope you enjoyed !


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Sorry to ask.... I'm Malay... My iPad had problem about sound setting..? So how to recognize the sound problem..? Help me...

Thank you.
Hi--any opinions on which iPad is best for using and producing music? The iPad mini or iPad Retina or what? He uses Garage Band now on his Mac computer, I know.
Hi everyone !!
I joined this forum to share my experience on how I make music on the iPad.
Recently I decided to learn how to make live music like M4Sonic, but on an iPad (he uses a Novation Launchpad).

So after a month of training, here is the result on the Lemur app (+ Ableton Live 8) :
YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b3anspZ0jTY

I didn't used quantification, so it's 100% live.

I'm going to post a tutorial soon, so keep wired !

Hope you enjoyed !



That's just great mate!!
If I were darth I would say "impressive."

Furthermore, how do you repeat performance? It seems like it would be very hard.

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