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iPad 2 Screen falling out



Hi all,

i brought an iPad 2 and had it replaced with a second iPad 2. a couple days after i got the second iPad 2 the bottom right hand corner started peeling off. i went to my closet apple store and the man said it would be fine. a long while after the screen fell off and hit me in the face what do i do?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? Please help as I've been on the phone to apple and they haven't replied and its been about a 2 months, I've been calling and i kept getting pushed around, i am now speaking to an executive officer of customer relations. I still have my extended apple care warranty which has about 160 days left. I've spent about $2000 + on my iPad including apps and docks. i would really appreciate some vital help as i have read on other sites people have received types of "compensation"..... I've already spent hours on the phone so more hours won't hurt. I've been abused over the phone by apple tech support and have been offered nothing other then having to pay $300 to get a brand new out of warranty replacement. PLEASE HELP PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HELP!

yours so greatfully


iPF Novice
Feb 23, 2012
Reaction score
Brisbane, Australia
I am not sure what can be done to assist you from a mere online forum, who have no direct ties to Apple. If you have dialog in place with Apple, you just need to work through that. Also get advice from your local consumer affairs department about what rights, if any, you have. It could be possible that you are out of warranty, in which case, I would either take up Apple's offer of an out of warranty replacement, or go out and buy yourself an iPad 3.


iPF Novice
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Wayne, IN
Despite the fact that we're just a "mere online forum" <S>, You are actually fortunate, Silentfollower in that you have an Apple Store in your city. Rather than spend time on the phone, you might want to go to the Apple store and show the service representatives the problem with the second iPad. The fact that you have a warranty will help your case.

There is nothing more frustrating than spending time on the telephone. But having a face2face with an Apple Store rep will probably garner you a whole lot more help. The nearest Apple store for me is 90 miles away.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
Reaction score
Troon, Scotland
If I am reading your message properly, what you are actually looking to do is pursue a compensation claim because the screen fell our and hit you in the face after an Apple employee told you not to worry about the damage to the edge?
If so, you need to speak to a lawyer. If you do have a legitimate claim, you won't get anywhere talking to Apple support or seeking advice on the forum. You need to pursue it formally through the proper legal channels.


Thank-you so much for all your help so far. ill be off to the apple store to see what can be done rather then talking over the phone. ill post back to update everyone on my " small " issue. I have a family member who is a lawyer and ill ask him about it as well. il also speak to my local consumer affairs office as well, again thank you so so so much for all your help. i'll post back later. any more suggestions are more then welcome.

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