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New Ipad syncs - Old Gen II Nano doesn't :(


iPF Noob
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Hi there

Really glad I found this forum as i've run itno a brick wall with this and would appreciate any help.

I originally had an Ipod Nano which chugged along quite happily synching with my Windows laptop.

At Christmas I received an Ipad which i'm chuffed with. The Ipad has synched very happily into my existing I-tunes account and all was good.

However, i'm now trying to sync my Ipod Nano into the account and it's like the computer no longer recognises my Nano :( . It doesn't even chime to say it recognises the nano is there. The nano is charging away quite happily but not synching with I-tunes at all.

When I look at the I-tunes page, it shows that there is an Ipad on the account (items purchased on my Ipad) but it no longer shows any sign of there ever being an Ipod Nano on it.

I was instructed to uninstall and then re-install I-tunes but have spoken to three other people who have followed this procedure and still have the same problem as me.

Can anyone else help me to synch my poor old - slightly redundant - nano? I use it in the car and could really do with updating all my podcasts :(


So the computer doesn't recognize it? Does the computer recognize it at all, even though charging.

That's exactly it. I might as well have plugged it into a wall charger for all the reaction I get from the computer.

On the left of the I-tunes screen where the devices are displayed, it remembers that I have an Ipad but appears to have forgotten the Nano and doesn't even give the little 'bong' to confirm that it realises the Nano has been plugged in.

I used my nano on this laptop for years but the Ipad appears to have superceded it and taken over and now the Nano has been pushed out and is completely redundant. There is no mention of my old Nano on the left hand side of the screen.

I really would like to sync my nano - bought new music recently and have podcasts to download :(
Scrub that - i've just thought to reset my nano and it's synching first time.


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