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Best keyboard (or keyboard-related) accessory?


iPF Noob
Jul 10, 2011
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Some may be wondering why I have "keyboard-related" in the title, and that's because I'm sort of on the fence regarding iPad keyboards.

I notice these days that the amount of typing and word processing I'm doing on my iPad is growing, and it's to the point where I would definitely see the benefits of a keyboard. While browsing through what's available, I noticed that I still have the Apple Bluetooth Keyboard that came with my iMac, but has been gathering dust, so I thought, why bother getting a new keyboard if I already have one? So I looked around for something to store the keyboard in and ran across the Incase Origami Workstation.

Having said that, if anyone has bought it, how has your experience been? Would you recommend an Origami Workstation + Apple keyboard over offerings by Logitech (like the Smart Cover-keyboard fusion, etc.)?

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