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Does jailbreaking slow down YOUR ipad?


iPF Novice
Dec 22, 2010
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I was a bit unsure of wether this should be in this forum or the discussion. Maybe a mod can help me out later if I've made a mistake.

But I'm asking for your personal opinion. When you jail broke your device, did you notice a significant change in speed? For my iPad 1, I noticed. I've updated and jail broke it for every iOS upgrade released, and I have noticed it was slow. Now I don't know if it's because it's the iPad 1 and is progressively getting slower with each iOS update, or if it is the tweaks I install just require too much ram or CPU which the iPad 1 can't handle. But now my iPad 1 is running stock 5.1.1, and is running at a regular pace, quicker than any time I've jail broken it.

So before I go ahead and try to jailbreak my new iPad, I would like to get some feedback first of whether or not you personally have experienced a loss in speed after you've jailbroken. I am currently away from my home computer, and I have 1 shot to jailbreak it, without having to go through all that restore the stock iOS and restore from backup. I'd rather avoid that for now. So any and all feedback is welcome.

Thanks in advance for your input!


iPF Noob
Jan 21, 2012
Reaction score
No change with my ipad2 when jailbroken on 5.01 and again today on 5.1.1.


iPF Noob
Dec 9, 2011
Reaction score
nothing happended seriously on my Jailbreaking experiences, lag / slowness happens when you install alot of cydia tweaks that your ipad's ram can no longer handle. so if you jailbreak with an old device, dont install to much tweaks that runs on background


iPF Noob
Sep 28, 2011
Reaction score
Well... the jailbreak itself does not slow down your iPad at all... The processes that are used to run Substrate use a trivial amount of processing power and RAM but nowhere near enough to slow down your iPad.

Now that being said, just like any computer or similar device, what you do with your iPad will significantly affect its performance. If you only install apps and tweaks that run on demand you won't see much performance loss but if you start installing animate tweaks that may start to have a noticeable effect on your performance. I would say that this performance loss will be magnified on the original iPad because it contains around 1/4 the RAM and somewhere near 1/4 the processing and graphics power. So as resolutions get higher and iOS upgrades continue to have even greater features this will have a pronounced effect on your performance as time goes on.

My advice is to use SB Settings or a similar app to monitor your free memory and other vitals. I cannot tell you how many times I've felt my iPad was running slow only to open up SB Settings and discover I only had 10MB of free memory. From there I'd close all my open apps in the multitasking bar and be left with around 250-300MB of free RAM.

Your iPad will continue to perform as well as it did out of the box so long as you don't bog it down with things that constantly run. I mean while having two dozen different animate tweaks looks cool, it will definitely slow down the rest of your iPad as it has to run the processes for all of the tweaks in addition to whatever apps you have open.

Just remember, it's like a little computer you have there. The more you have running, the more it will have to divide the performance between them.


iPF Noob
May 26, 2012
Reaction score
Jailbreaking doesn't slow down your iPad

I am new to this forum and I assume this is in the correct section but please correct me if I am wrong.

Anyway I have seen a few people wondering if they should jailbreak their iPad 2 or 3 because they are worried about it slowing down their device. This is false. The process of jailbreaking will not slow down your iPad what so ever. How it works is Apple has designed the iPads where the the ram can handle everything that is native like app store apps and the starting apps perfectly. But when you open up the OS, which is what jailbreaking does, Apple has no control over that so it's all under your control.

What actually slows it down your device is if it have a lot of stuff in winterboard at once or you have a ton of tweaks etc. this is going to eat up your ram really fast. And that is what is actually going to slow down your device. Now I'm not saying you can't download anything just be aware the more tweaks and stuff that runs all the time the slower your device will end up being.

So basically just watch what you download and you will be just fine.

Best regards, .Grumpy.


iPF Noob
Sep 28, 2011
Reaction score
I reiterate what I said in the thread that is (was) directly below this

Your iPad will continue to perform as well as it did out of the box so long as you don't bog it down with things that constantly run. I mean while having two dozen different animate tweaks looks cool, it will definitely slow down the rest of your iPad as it has to run the processes for all of the tweaks in addition to whatever apps you have open.

Also, welcome to the forum.


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
Moderator Edit: I've merged two threads together that were, essentially, talking about the same thing. Thanks for your understanding.



iPF Noob
May 14, 2012
Reaction score
i got some bugs with the springboard but i dont think its from the jailbreak, no ipad slowing.


iPF Noob
May 18, 2011
Reaction score
I don't know about the iPad, but on the iPod, it is as slow as ever. There isn't much difference other than being able to load different skins or "Themes" It seems to just give you a different look to the same old thing. I am just glad that I am not using my iPod merely as a tracking device for another computer.


iPF Noob
Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Yeah.. I don't care what any one says.. My personal experience as a long term iescapee is that it DOES SLOW DOWN THE IDEVICE SUBSTANTIALLY. Slowly but surely. Upon returning to jail after long term successful escapism one will notice:

'holy sh!t pellets, my iPad is lightening fast I must be soo good at restoring & updating'



Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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Zefside said:
Yeah.. I don't care what any one says.. My personal experience as a long term iescapee is that it DOES SLOW DOWN THE IDEVICE SUBSTANTIALLY. Slowly but surely. Upon returning to jail after long term successful escapism one will notice:

'holy sh!t pellets, my iPad is lightening fast I must be soo good at restoring & updating'


Jailbreaking, in and of itself, DOES NOT slow down your iPad. On the other hand, the tweaks you download to a jailbroken iPad may very well cause problems such as slower performance.
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Super Moderator
Staff member
Sep 11, 2010
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Troon, Scotland
'I must be soo good at restoring & updating'


Rather than blaming the jailbreak for substantially slower performance, it is much more likely that you are to blame and are simply bad at making decisions about what to install on your jailbroken device despite your experience ;)

I can demonstrate any number of iOS benchmarks which give the same results on both a stock device and a freshly jailbroken one.

It is what you do with your jailbreak once you have it that causes your problems! FACT :D

A practical and common sense approach to utilising jailbreak tweaks will enhance your device without any noticeable detriment to its performance. All of my jailbroken devices are testament to that. Not a single one performs badly (and yes, I use stock devices regularly too). I simply wouldn't accept them if they did.
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iPF Noob
Nov 21, 2012
Reaction score
Dear Idweebs you are so in denial about your precious jailbreak it's hilarious, just read your posts back to your self. Sheesh

The purpous of jailbreaking is to personalise one's I device. I'm saying that once its jailbroken and personalised its SLOWER.


If you have benchmarks proving otherwise lets see the evidence? Otherwise ill tell little interweb lies too and say I've done benchmarks which substantiate my claims as FACT.

Everyone else: remember JB ur I device according to the Idenial people above its just as fast and theese guys should know cos they live for jail breaking, its their calling and they even eat loads of apples and drink apple juice while jailbreaking...so i would say they are right. I can only tell you from my 5 yrs experience.

Jb 4 life



Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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Zefside said:
Dear Idweebs you are so in denial about your precious jailbreak it's hilarious, just read your posts back to your self. Sheesh

The purpous of jailbreaking is to personalise one's I device. I'm saying that once its jailbroken and personalised its SLOWER.


If you have benchmarks proving otherwise lets see the evidence? Otherwise ill tell little interweb lies too and say I've done benchmarks which substantiate my claims as FACT.

Everyone else: remember JB ur I device according to the Idenial people above its just as fast and theese guys should know cos they live for jail breaking, its their calling and they even eat loads of apples and drink apple juice while jailbreaking...so i would say they are right. I can only tell you from my 5 yrs experience.

Jb 4 life


Just because you use the word fact spelled out in capital letters several times in your posts doesn't make them so. A jailbroken device doesn't have to be any slower than a stock device if you use reasonable care in choosing which apps and tweaks you download. I think you'll have to post those benchmarks you mention in your post.
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