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How to change English input to Japanese input on Brookstone Wireless Keyboard?


iPF Noob
Jun 9, 2011
Reaction score
I bought Brookstones Wireless Keyboard during my business trip to NY because it was cool.
I tried it with my new iPad2 (Japanese version).
But I could not change language. ALT+~ should work.
I tried many other combinations. But I could not.

I appreciate it if some one can tell me how to switch to Japanese language mode.


Try this:

Go to Settings >> General >> International >> Keyboards, then add the Japanese keyboard if needed. Select the Japanese keyboard.

You'll see two lists. A software keyboard list for your iPads touch keyboard, and a Hardware Keyboard Layout list. The second is where you change how the external keyboard will behave.

You could also try changing your Language on the iPad, then going to the same place and pick the Hardware layout.

No other ideas if those don't work.
How to Change Language

hit the keyboard key (f4) and IPAD on screen keyboard will come up and hit the global symbol to change the language and hit f4 key again and now you can type with the selected language. Of course before you cycle your language in the keyboard to what you what to use, you need to have that added in your setup for the keyboard languages

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