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Upgrading iPad 2 to iOS 7 when it is released. I have reservations!


iPF Noob
Jun 25, 2013
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I own an iPad 2 with iOS ver 6.1.3. Since my purchase, Apple has introduced two newer models which have faster processors and better graphics. I have reservations against upgrading to iOS 7 because I think it might slow down my iPad 2.... thereby making me love it less and be back in the market for a newer model. Not happening since my iPad fulfills my needs! As far as I know, there is no way to rollback an iOS upgrade, so the consumer is stuck with the new iOS. Smart marketing move by Apple but hurts the consumer. Hmmm.. Is there anybody else who shares my skepticism? Anybody out there who can convince me otherwise? Thanks! P.S. This post was kicked off the Apple forums by the administrator.
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iPad Fan
Jan 8, 2011
Reaction score
Milton-Freewater, OR
It is too early to make any meaningful answer to your question. If you can't afford to risk your iPad's speed and stability, your best bet is to wait a month or two after iOS 7 is been released. By that time there should be enough feedback from early adopters to give you the pros and cons of updating your iPad 2. It also gives Apple time to release a patch or two, which are often targeted at issues with the older devices.


Staff member
Sep 11, 2011
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Michigan. USA
I own an iPad 2 with iOS ver 6.1.3. Since my purchase, Apple has introduced two newer models which have faster processors and better graphics. I have reservations against upgrading to iOS 7 because I think it might slow down my iPad 2.... thereby making me love it less and be back in the market for a newer model. Not happening since my iPad fulfills my needs! As far as I know, there is no way to rollback an iOS upgrade, so the consumer is stuck with the new iOS. Smart marketing move by Apple but hurts the consumer. Hmmm.. Is there anybody else who shares my skepticism? Anybody out there who can convince me otherwise? Thanks! P.S. This post was kicked off the Apple forums by the administrator.


As Twerppoet has stated, it's too early here to make judgement calls on something that hasn't been released yet. While you wait...have a look around this Forum. There's a great deal of information here that you can obtain. So enjoy and welcome again.



iPF Novice
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate, NY
I'm kind of with you on this. My iPad 2 has been a rock for me and I'd hate to do anything to it that would make it less effective or slow it way down. Lots of the OS 7 features aren't that interesting to me. Neither is the look. However, each time I've taken an update its never been a bad decision. My unit keeps working great. Still, I do wonder when the eventual bad update choice will get me. I hope it never happens. I agree with the replies that say to simply wait it out for a little bit and make sure no reports come back that iPad 2s are being bricked by the update!


Staff member
Mar 25, 2010
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Gold Coast , Queensland Australia
It is important to understand that regardless of what platform you use meaning. iOS, Android, MacOs, Windows or what ever upgrades occur fast and furious. PC hardware updates every 3 months the OS or operating system at least annually. Usually mobile devices are every 12 months. The point is mobile devices are becoming the mainstream thus changes in OS versions occur more frequently regardless if it is Android or Apple or any others that still exist.
The life span of any computer or mobile is around 3 to 4 years ( sometime less on other platforms) before issues occur regarding updates and or performance and of cause hardware failure .

This means it does not matter if you have a laptop or a mobile device with in 3 years performance will be reduced as usually the OS will need more internal ram or better graphics to support screen resolution.

It is a know fact that processor performance double every year so it is not about marketing it is about bringing devices to the users that they want...

Every day many users demand more.. They want longer battery life, better screens, faster processors, less weight and of cause better Apps and better features ..at the same time many users don't care as all they want is to surf the web look at pictures on their iPad, do Facebook and check the occasional email that comes in.... so which ipad will achieve this?

The IPad 2 and iPad 1 will do this with out issue.

One reason Apple has been successfully in the so call mobile area is because they have delivered all of the above is they own the operating system and also own the hardware. . In addition developers recognise this and therefore develop more powerful apps that take advantage of not only the screen resolution but also the performance.

In respect to the iPad 2 it is a great iPad and definitely performs as specified... In saying that as new operating systems are released one should decide if you really NEED to upgrade before hitting the OK button as yes at the end of the day you may loose performance regardless of what you do.

Finally when you purchased your iPad 2 what you may not have considered is cost of ownership.... The iPad has the lowest cost of ownership of any tablets on the market which means when it comes to selling your iPad you will receive a much higher return than any PC or tablet. It is still in the mainstream product line because it is a perfect experience for anyone who does not need all the bells and whistles that the iPad Retina or mini offers and can still handle thousands of apps available from Apple
In summary my advice is if you use Apps that do not require high resolution screen or need a higher performing processor then DoNot upgrade to 7 ... If in fact you want the new experience of iOS 7 and are prepared to give up some performance and maybe features then upgrade.. Or sell what you have move to the next generation iPad....

This is a personal statement and I do hope it helps you and others whom have a iPad 2 and need advice what to do when we finally receive iOS 7.


iPF Novice
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate, NY
It is important to understand that regardless of what platform you use meaning. iOS, Android, MacOs, Windows or what ever upgrades occur fast and furious. PC hardware updates every 3 months the OS or operating system at least annually. Usually mobile devices are every 12 months. The point is mobile devices are becoming the mainstream thus changes in OS versions occur more frequently regardless if it is Android or Apple or any others that still exist.
The life span of any computer or mobile is around 3 to 4 years ( sometime less on other platforms) before issues occur regarding updates and or performance and of cause hardware failure .

This means it does not matter if you have a laptop or a mobile device with in 3 years performance will be reduced as usually the OS will need more internal ram or better graphics to support screen resolution.

It is a know fact that processor performance double every year so it is not about marketing it is about bringing devices to the users that they want...

Every day many users demand more.. They want longer battery life, better screens, faster processors, less weight and of cause better Apps and better features ..at the same time many users don't care as all they want is to surf the web look at pictures on their iPad, do Facebook and check the occasional email that comes in.... so which ipad will achieve this?

The IPad 2 and iPad 1 will do this with out issue.

One reason Apple has been successfully in the so call mobile area is because they have delivered all of the above is they own the operating system and also own the hardware. . In addition developers recognise this and therefore develop more powerful apps that take advantage of not only the screen resolution but also the performance.

In respect to the iPad 2 it is a great iPad and definitely performs as specified... In saying that as new operating systems are released one should decide if you really NEED to upgrade before hitting the OK button as yes at the end of the day you may loose performance regardless of what you do.

Finally when you purchased your iPad 2 what you may not have considered is cost of ownership.... The iPad has the lowest cost of ownership of any tablets on the market which means when it comes to selling your iPad you will receive a much higher return than any PC or tablet. It is still in the mainstream product line because it is a perfect experience for anyone who does not need all the bells and whistles that the iPad Retina or mini offers and can still handle thousands of apps available from Apple
In summary my advice is if you use Apps that do not require high resolution screen or need a higher performing processor then DoNot upgrade to 7 ... If in fact you want the new experience of iOS 7 and are prepared to give up some performance and maybe features then upgrade.. Or sell what you have move to the next generation iPad....

This is a personal statement and I do hope it helps you and others whom have a iPad 2 and need advice what to do when we finally receive iOS 7.

Well said. Each of us will have to assess whether or not the latest OS update is to our benefit or not. So far, I've taken every update and never had an issue. The difference here is that OS 7 appears to be aimed towards newer gen devices so its value pertaining to older ones might be dubious at best. Like you said, we might find that the update just slows things down and doesn't really add any features we need. Ill wait a few weeks or whatever, there will be some that get it right away and then we can read their feedback!


iPF Noob
Jan 30, 2012
Reaction score
Cheltenham UK
Ill wait a few weeks or whatever, there will be some that get it right away and then we can read their feedback!

The problem with that is that more people are likely to moan that people who see no problem at all, although they can be the vast majority


Staff member
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Gold Coast , Queensland Australia
One needs to be patient, ios7 is only Beta2. One should wait for the released version before being concerned. Then if the shoe fits wear it...but you won't be able to take it back if you don't like it....

Sent from my iPad in Australia


iPF Novice
Oct 12, 2011
Reaction score
Upstate, NY
The problem with that is that more people are likely to moan that people who see no problem at all, although they can be the vast majority

That is true. Squeaky wheels get the grease or something like that. I'm hoping that I can get enough feedback either way from this forum to help me make a decision. Still wish apple had some kind of back out procedure, even if it was just to go back to the last OS prior to the update. Oh well.


iPF Noob
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
IOS 7 Performance iPad 2

I'm also an owner of an iPad 2. I have been testing the last few versions of IOS 7 beta, currently on beta 5. With each passing beta version of IOS 7 the performance on the iPad 2 improves but is not quite at the level of IOS 6. From what I understand Apple intends to release a beta 6 and then eventually will release the "Gold Master" version of the IOS before releasing the final product. If they maintain their current trajectory of improvements I fully expect IOS 7 to perform well on the iPad 2 when all is said and done. With that being said I would certainly wait a bit after the finished IOS 7 is released for public consumption in order to see what people have to say about their experiences. It won't be long before the iPad 2 is long in the tooth so I suspect on Apple's list of devices to worry about it's only a step above the iPhone 4; at least in terms of programming time to get the best IOS performance on the device. If there is a cool feature they want to see in IOS7 for the iphone 5, and eventual 5S that might contain code that slows the iPad 2 (even if the feature isn't available on the device), I can't imagine Apple would eliminate it if they end up under at time crunch of some sort. I'll try to remember to post back here when Apple releases the next beta (I think next week) and try to report on the iPad 2 performance changes.


iPF Noob
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Quick update... been testing IOS 7 beta 6 for about a day now and it is sooooo very close to the performance of IOS 6. I'm confident that the final version, only one more beta away I believe, will be as fast if not faster thatn IOS 6 on the iPad 2.


iPF Novice
Mar 4, 2012
Reaction score
Central Ohio
Quick update... been testing IOS 7 beta 6 for about a day now and it is sooooo very close to the performance of IOS 6. I'm confident that the final version, only one more beta away I believe, will be as fast if not faster that IOS 6 on the iPad 2.
Curious as to whether the performance you are seeing is measured with a software tool or seat of the pants.


iPF Noob
Aug 15, 2013
Reaction score
Curious as to whether the performance you are seeing is measured with a software tool or seat of the pants.

Sadly it's more seat of my pants right now. I've extensively been using beta 6 since it came out. I ran a benchmarking app for ios 7 beta 5 and the results were lower than I expected, I didn't take note of them or anything because it as more curiosity than a true investigation of things,

While it is noticeably more smooth than the previous betas, beta 6 isn't up to snuff yet. iOS 6 is far superior still. In fact iPad beta of ios7 seems to be way behind that of the iPhone at this point. I tend to believe the rumors that the iPad release of the iOS 7 will be delayed just based on my experiences thus far. I am hearing an iOS 7 gold master release with the new iPhone and the gold master for the iPad released a few weeks later. I truly hope they get things right for the iPad before releasing it. Apple is so damn secretive so it is hard to tell how many more betas there will be at this point.

I am sure a lot of the quirks are app related and them not being fully updated for iOS7. Still it feels like iOS 7 on the iPad 2 at least is still a few steps behind iOS 7 for iPhone and a few more steps still from iOS 6


iPF Noob
Mar 22, 2011
Reaction score
So I still am on iOs 6.1 JB with my iPad 2 and wondering what folks who have upgraded to 7 think of the performance. I have held off due to performance concerns, but am thinking about updating. Thoughts?

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