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What is it?-Discussions


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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This thread is being started as a place to have conversations and discussions about the what is it? Thread without taking the thread itself off topic.
If you have any problems,questions or comments about What is it?,pleas ask here.

Here are the rules for the thread to familiarize those new to the game with the proper procedures.

The idea here is for people to identify an object or objects based on photos and clues supplied by the challenger.

1):The photos can be of almost anything,but should be taken by the person posting the challenge,if possible.

2):No photos found on the Internet or elsewhere are allowed unless proper credit is given.

3):You can use any resources you choose,online or not,to discover the answer,but no cutting and pasting or copying from online resources such as Wikipedia is allowed.

4):You are free,however,to use online sources as the basis for writing your own description of the answer.

5):The photographs do not have to be of an entire object.You can supply a photo of part of an object if you like.

6);Photos should be sharply focused.

6a):Challengers posting blurred photos will be given one hour to post sharply focused photos or the challenge will be declared void and opened to the first person to post a new challenge.

6b):This is being done in the interest of making the challenge fair to members trying to solve the challenge.It's very hard to identify a blurred object.

7):The purpose of the game is to identify the object in the challenge,with as much extra detail as required by the challenger.

8]:The first person to correctly solve the current challenge gets to post the next challenge.

8a):If the challenge requires answering several questions about the subject of the challenge and no one person answers all the required questions,the person supplying the answer to the last remaining unanswered question will be declared the winner of the challenge and gains the right to post the next challenge.

9):If you are informed that you are the winner of the current challenge,but do not post the next challenge within 2 hours of being notified of your win,the challenge is deemed to be open and the first person to notice may post a challenge.

10):INACTIVITY CLAUSE;The poster of a challenge is required to monitor their challenge.If the challenger does not respond to questions and/or is offline for a period exceeding two hours,the challenge is deemed to be voided and the first person to notice may post a new challenge.

11):If you have posted a challenge and are unable to continue monitoring your challenge,you may PM the answer to one of these members who will monitor it on your behalf. AdmiralAdama,scifan57,fleur07.Make sure to check if they're online first,and wait for their answer.

11a):You can also Post the answer and open the challenge if you can't find a member to monitor the challenge for you.
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iPF Noob
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Bampton, Oxon, UK
Richard Brown said:
Indeed! For some reason I thought of the 2Rs in that shop sketch - The Four Candles one. I will google for the video link and edit this post to suit.....

Here it is folks.... YouTube Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wy_d0fN8riY&feature=youtube_gdata_player

That's definitely one of the 2Rs best ever. However many times you watch, it arrives newly minted each time.
That wonderful old-fashioned everything-shop! Many new fogies won't remember them & think that nails and "O"'s come in packets of 500, sealed tight in undo-able plastic boxes.

And I love R. Barker's final alteration to the ending. :). His great skill was Words & their manipulation / strangulation!


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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I've tried something different in my latest challenge in what is it? Tell me what you think of the idea of identifying this football player.


iPF Noob
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Bampton, Oxon, UK
scifan57 said:
I've tried something different in my latest challenge in what is it? Tell me what you think of the idea of identifying this football player.

For those who are into football, it would be an interesting challenge. However, there is the point that each country will have their own collection of well-known, or lesser known, players who may well be unknown to outsiders.

There is also the fact that some of us are not football fans. For instance, my own knowledge is tiny. The only British footballers I could name are George Best, Gascoigne, Rooney & Beckham. I have even less knowledge of American football.

I think it would be OK to slot one in every now & then, but a series of consecutive footballer images would be a turn-off for me.

However, with the Olympics coming up soon, there will be a great interest in sports of many sorts. Photos of internationally well-known olympic names from each sport might work. Perhaps objects connected with the various sports. All the answers to olympic-slanted challenges should be findable on the Olympic site fairly easily.

This message took itself off before I had finished!

Looks like IPF has been deserted today by our cousins over there, who are probably busy watching the 4th July fireworks. And doing whatever it is that they do today.
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Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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What is it? Has just passed food anyone? to move into 5th place.


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iPF Noob
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Bampton, Oxon, UK
scifan57 said:
What is it? Has just passed food anyone? to move into 5th place.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=19671"/>

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=19672"/>

This offshoot thread may well dilute the numbers of that...

Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
I'm just posting something to add this thread - to link in as it were. After some searching, I got here and iPF crashed. I had to repeat the search process; so I'm getting in quick to maintain a link.

I spotted that the what is it thread has climbed to No 5.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 6, 2011
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Edmonton AB Canada
You can subscribe to threads by touching the action button top right of the screen, then selecting "Subscribe to thread" from the drop down list.

Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
I've never seen that type of orange peeler before, Stranding


Originally Posted by scifan57
You stab the point into the orange and use the handle to pull it along the surface of the orange,creating a slit.
YouTube Link:
Yes, that's what I wanted. Sliding a forefingertip into the ring gives good control.
Over to you :)

No idea what it is.


I score orange peel with a small kitchen knife.

So, another kitchen gadget to look out for. The trouble is, the gadgets I want are excluded from Debenhams current ongoing sale. :(

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
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Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
KevinJS said:
You can subscribe to threads by touching the action button top right of the screen, then selecting "Subscribe to thread" from the drop down list.

Thanks for the tip, Kevin.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings


Super Moderator
Staff member
Aug 6, 2011
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Edmonton AB Canada
Richard Brown said:
Thanks for the tip, Kevin.

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

No problem. In the Safari version of iPF, you can subscribe by selecting "thread tools" then Subscribe to Thread.

Sometimes it's useful to be able to follow a thread without contributing to it.


iPF Noob
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Bampton, Oxon, UK
Richard Brown said:
I've never seen that type of orange peeler before, Stranding.
I score orange peel with a small kitchen knife.
So, another kitchen gadget to look out for. The trouble is, the gadgets I want are excluded from Debenhams current ongoing sale. :([

I have spotted that Lakeland do them for 99p each:
The one shown is in green, which is definitely the wrong colour...
But if you order just that, the postage will be horrendous, so you'd better order a whole load more to make it "cheap" :)

You might check if you have a non-virtual branch nearby -- we have a recent one appear which is a magical place to trawl round, & of course spend a lot in!

We had a different peeler for ages that my husband loved & always used rather than a knife. Similar orange moulded plastic but had a longer handle and was two-ended. Haven't seen it again after it broke (he's a-sobbin' & ' crying' again at the memory :)). The main working end was shaped differently & was very effective. I will try and draw it rather than describe it long-windedly.

Rather than use those, I have always used a knife, but it has to be the Right One. And they don't grow on trees (but I expect you knew that!). It has to be serrated but not "sharply" serrated....dead fussy, I am :). We (OK, I) lost my lovely treasured favourite--probably carelessly swept into the bin with the peelings. We couldn't unearth another that had the right qualities :-(.

Drawing coming up as soon as I can do it (have other, critical eyes peering over my shoulder so may take longer than it might otherwise have:)

In the meantime, google came up with an amazing range of other types, one a swish stainless steel thing for £12.
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Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
Thanks Stranding.

You are talking about one of my favourite shops, a branch of which is in Bromley. ;)

I'm looking forward to the art work..

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
Your door hinge challenge "rang bells" as it were.


About 4 months before my retirement, thare was a disastrous fire, with the loss of life, in a block of flats owned by my employer.

My job was to survey, design and specify fire precautions installations. It was intense, hard work with the London Fire Brigade hard on our heels. My work wasn't done to my satisfaction when I retired. I worked on for 6 months 2 days per week. So, the job was my swan song.

I came across loads of door hinges along the way!

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings
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iPF Noob
Jun 16, 2012
Reaction score
Bampton, Oxon, UK
Richard Brown said:
Your door hinge challenge "rang bells" as it were.

<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=19756"/>

About 4 months before my retirement, thare was a disastrous fire, with the loss of life, in a block of flats owned by my employer.

My job was to survey, design and specify fire precautions installations. It was intense, hard work with the London Fire Brigade hard on our heels. My work wasn't done to my satisfaction when I retired. I worked on for 6 months 2 days per week. So, the job was my swan song.

I came across loads of door hinges along the way!

Sent from my iPad 1 using iPF - Greetings

With that sort of job, no wonder you know lots of the "what is it" thingies. The types that I don't!

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