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Yahoo! photo attachments


iPF Noob
Apr 4, 2012
Reaction score
Hello all,

Operating my ipad2 on Safari or Chrome feels increasingly like driving a Model T on the interstate in rush hour, and while Puffin is vastly superior (no page reloads) it's a pain to be constantly having to copy/paste urls.

Another problem that has cropped up recently is in regard to adding photos from my ipad2 to Yahoo! emails.

What was previously a simple 3 step process is no longer working and when i select a photo to be included, my composed email shows a large rectangle of tiny grey squares with an equally tiny box in the middle containing a blue box and a white question mark.

Recepients get a much smaller white rectangle with an "inline image" message.

My wife's account is also on this tablet and results are the same.

I have checked through various settings (sorry, no specifics) but all seem nominal. Settings advice would be appreciated.

I'm in touch with a Yahoo tech who asks that I send a screenshot of my issue but obviously every effort results in the situation described above, so no joy. I just sent him a detailed description of what I see. Standing by for his reply.

As an exercise, i'll use the upload option here and attempt to attach a photo of our new kitten.

Hmmmm, only a quickly vanishing circle when I tap "Upload a file".

Just discovered a workaround. if I go to photos, select one or more from the thumnails, then use the "attach" icon and select Yahoo, the photo(s) appear in a draft email with the pics as thumbnailed jpegs at the bottom of the email.

Obviously i prefer photos in the body, but this is better than nothing.

Awaiting suggestions, although from the looks of traffic here on the ipad2 forum, not optimistic.
It works properly for me on a newer iPad. Do you have a newer device to try it on?

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