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1 tiny dead pixel - would you just leave it? Cause i have no backlight bleed!

Tapmyapple said:
New ipad i just picked up has 1 super tiny dead pixel on the right half about 2/3 up the screen. Only noticeable on really bright screens but its so small you have to look for it to notice. The place i got it at is already sold out and dont know if i should bother and risking getting one with backlight bleed cause this one now has a perfectly uniform backlight, no bleed or yellowish at all! Backlight bleed is just about on any ipad 2 especially the first runs so its rare to get one without any bleed at all.

If I left it, can it get worse and spread?

I know on some pixels you can try to run a series of screens to try to work the pixel is hoping its just a lazy pixel and not dead. How would you do this? I know some try rubbing the spot but it didnt work on mine.

PIc of the dead pixel. Camera cant even pick it up but its there.

Straight back into the box for return.
Just noticed a dead pixel on mine. I also have backlit bleed but it is minimal. I was going to over look the backlight bleed, but not with a dead pixel. I'll be calling to document the complaint, but will wait until close to the 1year mark to replace it so that stores have it in stock, but mainly to give apple time to remove their heads from you know where and solve these production issue. I realize that they are overwhelmed by demand, but you are really hurting your image and customer service when you sacrifice quality for quantity. The reason I went with an iPad over the others is because of apple's reputation for an awesome product. I guess I'll be testing out their noteworthiness for customer service too.
Just noticed a dead pixel on mine. I also have backlit bleed but it is minimal. I was going to over look the backlight bleed, but not with a dead pixel. I'll be calling to document the complaint, but will wait until close to the 1year mark to replace it so that stores have it in stock, but mainly to give apple time to remove their heads from you know where and solve these production issue. I realize that they are overwhelmed by demand, but you are really hurting your image and customer service when you sacrifice quality for quantity. The reason I went with an iPad over the others is because of apple's reputation for an awesome product. I guess I'll be testing out their noteworthiness for customer service too.

Hey thats actually a pretty good idea. If my future shops dont get anymore in stock within the 14 days ill just wait a few months or so and call up apple for a replacement.

How does apple work anyways? Will they ship you the new one first or do you have to ship yours first? I ask because some companies do this so that the customer isnt without one during the time. I know a lot of computer companies do this, at least give you the option. They just hold a deposit for the amount of a new one until they receive your defective one back.
Same Situation with my iPAD

I got my ipad a day before yesterday and i noticed that there is 1 dead pixel in in that to somewhere on right top and i noticed it when i tried to watch a movie on it. It is bright pixel that wont turn off whatever be the color and is visible only when we keep black back ground. After reading some forums i have came to conclusion that though yellow light spilling is a common problem but dead pixel is rarer or people are just not noticing it. I am planning to go to Apple Store today and got it replaced.
I got my ipad a day before yesterday and i noticed that there is 1 dead pixel in in that to somewhere on right top and i noticed it when i tried to watch a movie on it. It is bright pixel that wont turn off whatever be the color and is visible only when we keep black back ground. After reading some forums i have came to conclusion that though yellow light spilling is a common problem but dead pixel is rarer or people are just not noticing it. I am planning to go to Apple Store today and got it replaced.

Dead pixels sadly is very common on ipad 2. Ipad 1 not so much. It seems ipad 2 has some serious quality control issues compared to ipad 1. I know about 15 people with ipad 1 and not one have ever had a dead pixel or yellow tint or frame ungluing or backlight bleed. Infact the blacks on theirs are much deeper than any ipad 2 ive seen.
added pic.

Was told dead pixels can spread or turn black? is that true? i cant even tell if mine is stuck or dead. Hoping its only stuck, how can i tell?

I have two 3 to 5 year old monitors which had a stuck pixel when first bought. Both were on the edge so were not covered by the warranty. They still have only one stuck pixel and have been on for hours every day since.

The only information you can trust is the knowledge from your personal experiences and people you can trust. Hearsay is like a game of Chinese whispers. It changes and grows until it has no similarity to its origins.

You need to check the dead pixel warranty and replace it whilst it is still covered. You have to be comfortable with it.

I could live with it but some people would not be able to. Just knowing the defect existed, even if they did not notice it most of the time, would ruin their enjoyment.

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