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103-Year-Old Great Grandmother Loves iPad and Facebook


iPadForums News Team

The Daily Mail has a fantastic story today about a 103-year-old great grandmother called Lillian Lowe who claims to be the oldest Facebook user in the world. According to the Mail, Lillian loves updating her Facebook status via her iPad. (Probably using the iPhone app as there isn’t a Facebook iPad app yet of course, because Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg doesn’t think the iPad is mobile! Grumble.)

“I love it - it is very exciting,” Lillian told the Mail. “It’s a wonderful way of finding out about things. But I must say it’s a dreadful waste of time. I’m sure there are lots of other things I should be doing rather than playing on a computer.”

The retired hotelier says that she is currently using her grandson’s iPad to access the internet, but is hoping to get one of her own soon (nudge, nudge Steve Jobs!). Aside from Facebook, she’s also a big fan of Google Earth, which she says she used most recently to "revisit" Swan River in Australia where she went on a trip with her sister when she was a mere spring chicken of 84!

When you read great stories like this, it seems so obvious that there should be a bespoke Facebook app for the iPad. Why won't you let us have one, Mark Zuckerberg, why?!

Source: Daily Mail Facebook grandmother Lillian Lowe, 103, world's oldest member on her iPad | Mail Online

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