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Eighty-One Year Old Woman Makes Her First iPhone App


iPadForums News Team
81 year old woman makes her first app in Japan.webp

Mashable has a great story today about an 81-year-old Japanese woman, Masako Wakamiya, who has just launched her first ever iPhone app, having only started using computers when she was 60 years old. Wakamiya worked at a big Japanese bank for 43 years before retiring, but clearly she is just as busy with her new after-retirement career.

Wakamiya’s app is designed to show people how to place their traditional Japanese doll displays during Japan’s Hinamatsuri (Girl’s Day) festival. The app, Hinadin, teaches the user exactly where to place 12 dolls on a four-tiered display. When you succeed, a pop up will congratulate you.

Wakamiya has a blog that teaches people how to create Excel art, and she also vlogs about her trips to far flung locations, including the Mediterranean and New Zealand. And as if she didn’t have enough to do with all that going on, this amazing octogenarian runs an active-aging club for retirees called “Mellow Club,” and has even given a TEDx talk about active aging in the digital age, called “Now is the time to get your own wings,” which you can view below.

Source: 81-year-old woman makes iPhone app after only starting to use computers at 60

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