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The world of cyber-security just got better for iOS 8 users. Agile Bits, the creators of the popular 1Password app and service just made their remarkable software FREE to new users on iOS. On top of that, previous users of the v4 of the software get a free upgrade to the Pro version.
For those unfamiliar with the software, 1Password basically lets you securely store your important data and passwords, and can automatically log you into websites with a single button. With 1Password, you no longer need to remember your username, password, or even the website address.
The new pricing model is not all though. This newest version also includes some added functionality with iOS 8, including the ability to work with Apple's Touch ID fingerprint sensor! Awesome!
Here's a quick breakdown of the rest of the cool new 1Password features for iOS 8:
- App Extensions – Use 1Password to log into a growing list of your favorite apps and even update your passwords—all with just a tap!
- Safari + 1Password – You read that right. Just like our in-app 1Browser, you can now fill 1Password Logins directly within Safari! Ooh, speaking of thumbs…
- Unlock with Touch ID – After unlocking with your Master Password, get back into your vault in 1Password, Safari, and your favorite apps with just your thumb on devices with Touch ID. Check Settings > Security to learn how this works and pick your auto-lock time.
- Sync now goes to 11 – We rebuilt iCloud sync using Apple’s new CloudKit and it is awesome. Wi-Fi Sync will be automatic and sync attachments with the forthcoming 1Password 5 for Mac, and it’s just plain also awesomer.
- Adaptive UI – Whether you’re on an iPhone 4S, iPad Air, or a brand new iPhone 6 Plus, 1Password’s interface is dressed for the occasion.
- So much more – Resume editing items after unlocking 1Password. A brand new Welcome Aboard process makes it even easier to set sail with 1Password. Backup restoration has you covered. And all that is just page one.
Source: 1Password & iTunes