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2 icloud accounts and only 1 ipad2


iPF Noob
hi there, feel free to call me silly :)

i created an itunes account, bought 3 apps for my ipad2 - $60 worth... (it was on special) before i got my ipad2

when i received my ipad2 - the unthinkable happened and my ipad2 was set up by a different icloud account (not by me!!!)

the ipad2 icloud account cannot be changed....

but is there any way that the first 3 apps i downloaded can be transferred to my main account,,,, or can i set up a sub account on my ipad2 - to give me access to the 3 apps????

any help would be appreciated, thanks
You can use two accounts. Every time you want to update whichever apps, you'll need to enter the iTunes account you bought with, and the password. You'll need to keep track of which account you use to buy whatever.

Apple doesn't allow the blending of iTunes accounts. If you bought only a few apps recently, you might try getting them to refund you the money if you agree to buy the same apps on the other account, so you can unify everything. Might be worth trying if your purchases were recent.
thats great kay (brilliant in fact)

can you give me a link to have the 2 accounts on the one ipad......

from what i have read/researched you can have a primary and sub account (icloud and itunes) but i have never come across 2 icloud accounts (in looking it up)....

i really appreciate this kay,,,,,,, i spent hours trying to figure this out :)
I think you might be mixing up having two iCloud accounts and having two iTunes accounts.

If you bought apps or other content on two iTunes accounts, you can keep using (and updating) them on iPad by just signing out of one account and signing onto the other, and remembering which account you used to buy which apps, so you can update with the right account.

If you actually want to use two iCloud accounts (as opposed to two iTunes accounts), that's possible as well:

What's the optimal way for two people to use iTunes & iCloud accounts with iOS 5? - Quora

Or if you're trying to use an iCloud account that differs from your iTunes account, that's possible as well:

Apple IDs and iCloud
darn - apparently it was 1 icloud and 1 i tunes

i set up the 3 app account as a secondary account on my ipad.... settings>mail, contact, callendars>add account >(and put in the account)

i then receive an email saying "welcome to icloud" - darn, now i have 2 icloud accounts...

okay, next problem

i still can't find the 3 apps under app store>purchased???? my understanding was that i could now access the apps on the secondary account????

now i am really confused
I'm not sure what you did, but using multiple accounts (whether iTunes or iCloud) should just require you to log off one account and log into the other.

Apple doesn't allow merging of iTunes accounts, but you might try asking whether they'd give you credit for the three apps if you first rebuy them on your main account. That way, you could consolidate without them merging your accounts.
to log out of my main icloud account - and into my other one (the one with the 3 apps)

the only way i know how to do this is to delete the first account, which will delete all the apps on the ipad...... and then when i change back, the 3 apps will then be deleted....

if this is true, thankyou for your help, i really appreciate it....

and the only option is to contact itunes, and do what you said (thanks)
to log out of my main icloud account - and into my other one (the one with the 3 apps)

the only way i know how to do this is to delete the first account, which will delete all the apps on the ipad...... and then when i change back, the 3 apps will then be deleted....

if this is true, thankyou for your help, i really appreciate it....

and the only option is to contact itunes, and do what you said (thanks)

Logging on and off accounts doesn't erase anything. You're just switching between accounts so you can update your apps, for instance. Once you've loaded apps to your iPad, switching between accounts doesn't do anything to the apps. Lots of people use multiple iTunes accounts, so they can buy apps from different countries' app stores.
how do you log off/on..... i thought the only way to do it was... (actually, doesn't matter)

i am using an ipad2, how do i log on/off?????
To sign out of an iTunes account:

On iPad:
-- Open iTunes app.
-- Scroll to bottom of screen.
-- Click on your Apple ID.
-- Click on Sign Out.

To sign in with another iTunes account:
-- Open iTunes app.
-- Scroll to bottom of screen.
-- Click on Sign In.
-- Sigh in with whatever account you want to use.

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