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2 iDevices/iPads through the internet

zmatique said:
<img src="http://www.ipadforums.net/attachment.php?attachmentid=18730"/>Well I tried to do as the tutorial explained, and this is what I have set for my Port Forwarding on my network, How will my friend be able to connect? (Note, I also made a "New Incoming Connection" from the Change Adapter Settings screen).

You need to have a dynamic dns to allow your friend to find your external ip on internet. Many free services are available and many routers can manage them. Eg my router is compatible with no-ip.com. I configure it so that it updates no-ip.com each time my external ip changes. To connect using pptp, just go in the setup on the ipad, go to vpn section chose pptp, put the dyndns name you chose in the previous step, fill with username/password and that's all, folks (please add the trumpets here : -). )
I setup a free no-ip account, but do not know how to manage it with my router. It is a Motorola Router-Modem. So How do I manage my External IP with no-ip and give that to my friend to allow her to connect to my external IP. I have made a host, and I am logged into the client from No-IP and have my Host selected and verified with it. Thanks for your patience. :P

EDIT: I followed This tutorial, but I get error 800 when trying to test the connection.
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I do not know the motorola modem. Maybe there is no automatic updater. In that case, you can always use a soft on your pc as this one must he up and running for the pptp connection it does not hurt.

Check on the web site of no-ip. I believe they have a windows client that can work from inside the network
I have the client, though I have no idea what purpose it serves yet, I have only used it to copy my IPv4 address since I have left it open. I know I am closing to testing this out, I got another laptop in the house and tethered my iPhone to it so that it was outside the network when testing, and when trying to connect again, it worked in a second this time, instead of waiting a full minute just to time out. This time though, I got an error 868. I have tried Googling this, but I have no idea what I am doing wrong with it. I know my port 1723 is accepting incoming connections, I tested it with No-IP's Port Check Tool and it said it worked. And I know I am logging in the my Server Computer correctly, it passes that but, then the error.
zmatique said:
I have the client, though I have no idea what purpose it serves yet, I have only used it to copy my IPv4 address since I have left it open. I know I am closing to testing this out, I got another laptop in the house and tethered my iPhone to it so that it was outside the network when testing, and when trying to connect again, it worked in a second this time, instead of waiting a full minute just to time out. This time though, I got an error 868. I have tried Googling this, but I have no idea what I am doing wrong with it. I know my port 1723 is accepting incoming connections, I tested it with No-IP's Port Check Tool and it said it worked. And I know I am logging in the my Server Computer correctly, it passes that but, then the error.

I am not sure I understand! The situation you should be in is the following. On your side you should have:
- a router connected to nternet and forwarding the port 1723 on your windows pc
-a windows pc, configure as a pptp server, running the no-ip client. This client configured with uour subscription to no-ip to advertise your external ip using a friendly name
- an ipad
On the side of your friend:
- an ipad connected somehow to internet and configured with a pptp vpn to your connection

You said that you have the 88 error: which device, which software, when doing what?
That is all correct, I have all of that, the error of 868 that I am getting though, is trying to test that connection from another computer in the house. What I did with that though, is tether my iPhone's 3g to that laptop so that it was on a different network, then have it connect.
That is all correct, I have all of that, the error of 868 that I am getting though, is trying to test that connection from another computer in the house. What I did with that though, is tether my iPhone's 3g to that laptop so that it was on a different network, then have it connect.

on my Ipad, when I try to connect, it says Connecting... for a while then disconnecting... and after that a message pops up saying "A connection could not be established to the PPP server, Try reconnecting."
(Just so it is clear, when I go into the settings for the VPN, it IS a PPTP
zmatique said:
That is all correct, I have all of that, the error of 868 that I am getting though, is trying to test that connection from another computer in the house. What I did with that though, is tether my iPhone's 3g to that laptop so that it was on a different network, then have it connect.

on my Ipad, when I try to connect, it says Connecting... for a while then disconnecting... and after that a message pops up saying "A connection could not be established to the PPP server, Try reconnecting."
(Just so it is clear, when I go into the settings for the VPN, it IS a PPTP

What could happrnd is that one of he pptp protocol does not pass through. It is a little bit more technical but pptp is composed of 1723/tcp as you configure it in your modem. It is also compose of a non tcp or udp protocol call GRE. Most of the time this one is passing through the modem. You need to see in your modem if you can either defined your pc as a DMZ or froward the protocol GRE(47) on our pc. If your modem requires a port chose 2248.
zmatique said:
Should I add port 2248 just to see if it makes it work?

It will not work....this not a tcp or udp traffic. According to the print screen of your router you could define your pc as the DMZ host. This should make it. However this is something dangerous to do, as all attacks coming from internet will be froward on your pc, too. You might want to do it for test during a limited period.
Fyi, this is how I do it with the huge difference that all traffic is forwarder on a firewall appliance.

I will see if using l2tp protocol, which is also available on the ipad makes thing more easy. However it requires additional software on the windows side. I will not being able to take a look on this today: my boss makes me working oh shame! Watch this space!
Ok, I will keep posted. I thought for sure, that I was sooo close to figuring this out and how much I learned in just a day, still hoping that it's still just one small task in my way...
It sounds that any other solution will not work using a windows as the end point.
During my test, I used a linux box as a ipsec server and I was able to connect my ipad very easily on that server from internet. No issue with udp port to forward (only two ports are needed 500/udp and 4500/udp). However I was unable to find any software providing the same functionality on a windows box.

So you have the choice to open your router using the dmz feature exposing your windows to internet or use an internet router supporting the pptp functionality or run a linux.
I have an extra harddrive on my laptop, should I put Linux on it after partitioning it? And, do I have to keep it running to connect our ipads or only use linux once? If so, I can install Ubuntu in like half an hour. I just dont know a lot about it, the last time I used it was on VirtualBox and before that It was my only system on my computer and I did not like it much (As a primary)
As the linux box will run the server software it must be running as long as you need the connection. Running it inside a virtualbox is feasible but might be more complex if you do not have your interface in bridge mode, meaning directly connected on your network. I know that with vmware it does not work smoothly with a windows host and a wireless connection. Anyway that you run it on a separated hard-drive or in a vm, I believe that this by far outside the scope of this forum.

Google can help you or drop me a private message for some advises.

When your linux is running, you need to install racoon (direct mode). And configure the box as ipsec dialup server: which means configuring one file :-) not rocket science. On you router you need to forward th ports 500/udp and 4500/udp to our linux.
Btw, ipsec are more secure than pptp...just in case you wanna know.
Idk if it helps,
But on my iPad, when using the following connection setup: Incoming Connections setup in Win7 Network Connections, Domain established with No-IP, No-IP DUC installed and setup to my registered domain, Router Port 1723 opened to TCP on 192.168.0.#
On my iPad, I am connected to the same network, but I am also doing this on my 3G on my iPhone, but both have saem settings: (PPTP) Server [My Registered Domain with No-IP], Account [Setup a new user just under the Incoming Connections for me and my friend with the password]
Now, when I try to connect to the server, (With No-IP DUC running) both say "A connection could not be established to the PPP server. Try reconnecting. If the problem continues, verify your settings and contact your administrator".

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