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32gb or 64gb


iPF Noob
I am thinking of buying a ipad 2 but do not want to spend money if i don't need to and there is quite a price difference any one any advice, also can i use my present iphone 4s apps on the ipad or do i have to rebuy them all under a new account
first off, hi there :)

1) most peeps go for the 32. this seems to be a standard. this will hold a shed load of everything. a quick web search will give you more general 'specifics' on how many movies, apps, phots, songs etc etc can be stored.
2) yes, you can use your same iphone 4 account with your ipad. you dont need to re-buy the apps, just re-download them direct to your ipad from the app store, or sync (copy) them over via itunes. But, some apps are ipad specific and wont run on the iphone. All your iphone apps will run on your ipad, but some apps have ipad specific versions in the app store - these are called 'HD' apps. these apps are optimised to fully utilise the ipad's bigger screen res. the HD versions usually cost over and above the normal price you've already paid, but are generally well worth it.
kevb59 said:
I am thinking of buying a ipad 2 but do not want to spend money if i don't need to and there is quite a price difference any one any advice, also can i use my present iphone 4s apps on the ipad or do i have to rebuy them all under a new account

What do you intend to use it for? That might help people answer specifically.

I was the same place last april. Opted for 32 to save money on 64 but now I think I could've got away with 16 - I don't use it to store much, and have Dropbox etc. linked to laptop and from there to external storage devices. I do a bit of photography and love music but I find iPad apps quality too inferior - music sounds tinny even through hi-fi. My mp3 player is preferable.

My main use for iPad after 9 months is

Browsing web from the comfy chair
Keeping up with news, papers etc.
Keeping up socially, blogs, forums, networking etc.
Checking emails
Streaming videos, youtube etc. and iPlayer content through the TV.
Playing pinball games

Hence, 16Gb would have done me fine. All heavyweight and serious work I turn to the laptop.
If buying from an apple store, most of them allow you to buy an iPad and then upgrade to a larger size if you need to. I believe you can only upgrade though (although I may be wrong). If this is the case you could buy the 16GB see how you find it and upgrade if needs be. A quick word of warning though, you only have x number of days to upgrade and it does vary so check with the store before you follow my advice.

Proud owner of a 32GB wifi iPad2 iOS5.
Thanks very much for all the advice,i think i will go for the 32gb middle of the range but think that will be more than enough as my useage is nearly the same as Ian's
Thanks very much for all the advice,i think i will go for the 32gb middle of the range but think that will be more than enough as my useage is nearly the same as Ian's

Good choice. The 32GB model has that Goldilocks quality to it - Its "just right". The only people that seem to run out of space are those that insist on storing entire movies in their iPad or those that just must have their entire 4500 song music library on the thing. Otherwise, you wont get close to using all the storage.

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