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3D PDF Help


iPF Noob
Hello everyone,

I have a general question and have been searching on the internet for a day or two now for 3D pdf apps/solutions. Currently I am working with a pdf that contains information that i have printed from excel. Then I have put in a 3D view that was exported out of Revit by Bluebeam software. I am trying to be able to let any who i send this to see the pdf to its full entirety. Is there any way for an ipad to open this pdf and view the 3D model just as if you were looking on it on the computer. Every time i have opened it up in the apps i have downloaded it does not load or not view the 3D image. The 3D image has been marked up in Bluebeam, when you open up the pdf it allows you do go to drop down and select the view that has been marked up. Is there any solutions that any one knows of?

What i am striving for is one sheet that show text that I have printed from excel with the 3D pdf in it. I would be fine if these two views were on different pages or separate files. The key thing is to be able to view the 3D model and include its mark ups.

P.S. If my I can figure this out my boss told me he would buy me an Ipad for FREE, Serious. Lol so i am really wanting to find out how to do this.

I have downloaded this before. Background on what I am trying to do/workflow. I am working in Revit (Construction 3d software) i have a general model and then I want to be able to view that on the Ipad. The only problem is that the current 3d pdf converter does not work with current software i am using. I am using Turbo Site Viewer, this allows you to view the pdf and make mark ups. The problem is that Bluebeam (add in for 3d pdf) for some reason will not respond on that app. In the pdf I have I have text generated from excel and then a PDF off to the side. 3d PDF work with prc files but i want everything to live in one document and look exactly like it would on the computer

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