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3G is a waste of money

In Australia, 3gb for $30 is a bargain!! I am on wireless for my laptop at $120/10bg or $80/6gb. I almost always use the 10gb because we do a lot of video Skype to the States.

Horses For Courses!
my typo ..i just feel that some of the big phone companys are ripping us off at times with the whole data programs and it cost to us as the end user .. but i have to give sprint credit in a area for they went to a flat rate to keep customers comeing back to them along with bringing in new customers ... if i get them to do my iphone i would gone over there for the flat rate package they had ..
A matter of perspective. Many of the carriers are not making as much profit as should be expected. And a lot of the issue is people that are using more Gbs on unlimited plans than can be sustained. Living in a college town, I see a lot of ways people can abuse 3G systems. Many times people with their own 3G hub systems had them hacked and used to get free downloads. They get monumental bills, and sometimes are able to talk the carriers into easing the damages.
I love my 3G. The only issue I have is I didn't use it up and still had a lot of data left when my data renewed. I can stream Netflix with no problem and it's nice and clear, though I haven't tried HD yet.
I wish the plans were a little cheaper, but yeah - I find the 3G connectivity indispensable when on the go.

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