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3G "No service" all the time


iPF Novice
I am UK based and have an iPad 3rd generation under iOS 3.3(12F69) with all apps fully up to date and previously used almost exclusively on wifi.

I did once have a SAMBA SIM for 3G but they went bust a while ago so I have now acquired an People's Operator SIM which piggybacks on the EE network.

However, even though it appears to be configured correctly, all I get is "No service" messages whenever I try to switch from wifi to 3G.

The People's Operator have spent a fair amount of time trying to get me up and running but have now decided that the problem lies with the iPad and not their SIM or EE's network.

They reached this conclusion after we swapped their SIM into my normal mobile phone and it worked perfectly, evidence which they say proves the network is strong here and the SIM is fully functional - and I cannot argue with that!

I have done a full reset (not just a reboot) so, why does the iPad always state, after searching, that there is "No service"? It must be able to see the SIM or else it would say No Sim Installed (or somesuch).

What setting etc. could be wrong, or what else might be stopping the iPad seeing the EE signal?

What am I overlooking?
The iPad 3 has far fewer radio frequencies than newer iPads. It is possible that while you new network has 3G, it doesn't supply it on the frequencies available to the iPad 3.

You should check the iPad 3's spec sheet and compare it to the operational frequencies of the carrier.

Here is the iPad 3 technical specs page from Apple: https://support.apple.com/kb/SP647?locale=en_US

However, the iPad 3 models/specs were still differentiated by region back then. You'll want to find the exact specs for you model and region. It doesn't do me much good to search for them on Apple's site here. It insists on 'knowing' I want the U.S. specs.

Anyway, thats my guess. And it is a guess.
And the UK site insists on knowing that I too am in the US! No matter how I search or navigate through the UK Apple site, when I get to the iPad's Tech Spec page up comes the US version!

I shall contact my local Apple Store in the morning and see if they can give me the correct spec.

However, to ponder on your guess a bit: TPO are aware that I have a 3rd Generation iPad and didn't raise any query about EE compatibility issues so I am hoping that the solution isn't to get a new iPad!
Just in case anyone in the UK can help with what may be a potential little local difficulty, as guessed by twerpoet, wikipedia's entry for EE states that the EE netwrok uses the foillowing frequencies:



4G 800 MHz LTE (planned)
4G: 1,800 MHz LTE
4G: 2,600 MHz LTE Advanced

TPO only offer, at present, a 2G and 3G service but, as the above information is as much use as a chocolate tea-pot to my untutored brain, I am no firther along the line to a solution.
Well, after looking at the information you provided, and reviewing the Wikipedia article on the iPad 3, I'm most probably wrong.

No more ideas. Good luck solving the issue.
I can only put my experience in running an ipad 2 3g EE on IOS 8 almost every time I came off wifi I had 2 reboot the ipad and wait and wait quite awhile for a service, don't know if this was just an EE thing as never tried another sim.
Samba was on the 3 network maybe your locked to that network. there is a guy on ebay and for £1 only will unlock it from 3 i have used him and took 12 hours
As for stuck in us itunes store, go into app store scroll to bottom tap on your id and change it there
Hi, Superfandango.

I wasn't stuck in the US iTunes store, but on the US Apple technical specifications site. Even when entering via Apple UK the technical specs were only US - sometimes I feel that the US doesn't realise that there's a much larger world out here! :D

But on the matter in hand ...

I know the SIM works because we have tried it in another phone and there is no problem seeing EE's signal.

I also know that the iPad isn't locked as I can get a "one bar" signal on top of a bus going through a local village and on one side of the road in another village (but not the other side of the road!) so I know that the SIM works in the iPad - but even in the major city centre, where the signal should be strong enough to cook a joint of beef, there is "No service".

I have Googled the problem and it is not uncommon. The problem is that there seems to be no single suggestion or any definitive response saying that solution "X" will work.

I have taken the iPad to an Apple repairer (not yet Apple themselves) and, without opening the case, he did whatever checks he could and found nothing amiss.

In traditional Apple fashion, when the problem was first reported three or more years ago they denied that it existed, but they now have a Support article for it. I called Apple's telephone helpline and their suggestion, which basically was to follow their Support Article again (which I had already done save for the Full Restore) didn't work either even after a full restore to factory settings. :mad:

I am now booked to see the Genius Bar in my local Apple Store next week.

I shall report back with progress, or continuing lack thereof, in due course.
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Ahh right, it certainly sounds like a hardware problem and needs opening, When you go see your greenyarse he will tell you its unrepairable and out of warrenty and have no details of the previous reports or you should of taken it in to them then, apologise, he will go see his manager and say "in good faith we can upgrade you to a refurbished iPad air for a cost of 200 notes + today"
If you want that alls good
If you want it repaired it will need opening, it could be as easy as one of the 3 antenna cables have come off the cellular module, heres a pic of one ive got open showing the 3 antenna sockets and a pic and one IMG_0272.webp fSmCZhbWjW32eHRT.webp with the cables connected from a public domain

The module is conntected to the logic board by a flimsy tab glued down with a conductive tape (fine particles of copper in a paste/tape) IMG_0273.webp
this can also easily lift off with heat or not connect properly. there are a number of things. But from your recent post it sounds like its nothing can be sorted at your apple store
I shall see what Apple says next week. I have mixed experience of the Genius Bar, having used them once for an iMac problem and once for an eMac problem. For the iMac they were very helpful and for the eMac they told me that what I wanted to do was "impossible" - it wasn't (unlock password protected firmware without knowing the password). It wasn't easy, but I did it.

If they prove unhelpful, I shall return to the Apple Repairer who was reluctant to open the case without Apple seeing it first. He didn't want to open it, fail to remedy the fault, and then have me to go to Apple and have them refuse to help because it had been opened. That sort of integrity is not common and gives me confidence in him if Apple don't come up with the goods!

Thanks for the pictures, it will give me some idea of what to say when I speak to them face to face.
OK, Superfandango and all,

I've just finished with the Genius Bar and they did indeed say they cannot repair it and offered a deal, but I'm not prepared to go down that route just now - and possibly not at all. I need to explore the options first before deciding.

However, to be fair to them, they did spend around 45 minutes checking this, that and the other and seemed genuinely interested in finding a solution. OK, they are all basically salesmen but he ,are all the right noises to give me confidence in his primary motives!

They agree that it has to be a hardware problem as they confirmed that my SIM was fully functioning and that my iPad could see no 3G network with any SIM they tried over several operators.

Their diagnosis is either an antenna problem or a SIM reader problem and they asserted (I don't have the knowledge to know whether they are correct or not) is that they cannot open iPads as they are not designed to be "modular repaired" and that the act of opening them often results in more damage due to the method of construction.

I didn't buy the iPad from Apple but from John Lewis so my next step is to go back to them and see if they have any suggestions but, should they declare that they cannot help, I need to check the next steps.

Can iPads be opened and repaired - by someone who knows what they are doing, of course - and if so what are the risks of ruining an otherwise perfectly serviceable and adequate iPad save, of course, for its inability to access 3G?

I shall approach John Lewis next but, if they are unable to help then what next? I live in the North West UK (Cheshire) and any recommendations (by PM if preferred) as to what to do or where to go next or where to avoid like the plague would be very much appreciated.

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