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4.3.1 Cydia Apps - *compatibility list*


iPF Noob
I've found this list elsehwere and thought it would be a good idea to start keeping track. I've installed several apps like Frash and MakeItMine by mistake thinking they had been updated. Here is a list of working, partially working, and non working cydia apps on 4.3.1. I will try my best to update when replies come in.

(List originally created by meenja)


- 3G Unrestrictor
- 5 Row Keyboard (Hikaru)
- 5 Row Keyboard (ShowCase)
- 5 Row Keyboard Deutsch
- Activator
- AptBackup
- Backgrounder (updated)
- Barrel 1 & 2
- Bootlogo (Must use version 12 or higher of redsnow)
- BiteSMS
- Browser Changer
- Browser Changer SBSettings Toggle
- Celeste (works with modifications)
- CyDelete
- Cyntact
- Direct Closer
- Emoti Keyboard
- FaceBreak
- FakeClockUp
- FBPhotoSave
- Five Icon Dock
- FolderCloser
- FolderEnhancer
- FullForce
- Fullscreen Safari
- Glass B&W
- Graviboard
- Gridlock
- GridTab
- Grooveshark
- GV extensions
- HapticPro
- iBlackList
- iconNotifier
- Iconoclasm
- iFile
- iKeyEx 3
- Infinidock
- Infinifolders
- iPhoneDelivery
- LastApp
- Lockdown Pro
- Lockinfo
- Lockscreen Clock Hide
- Lock Seconds
- MakeItMine
- MobileNotifier
- MobileTerminal
- Mover Open
- Multifl0w
- MultiIconMover
- MxTube
- My3G
- MyWi
- Navigate From Maps
- Nolockscreen
- No Bookmarks
- NoSpot
- OpenSSH
- Photoalbums+ (working beta)
- PhotoMail
- PlayAwake
- Pull-to-Refresh Mail
- Pull-To-Refresh Safari
- Recent/CallLog Delete
- Remove Background
- Remove Recents
- RetinaAppIcons
- RetinaAppIcons
- RetinaPad
- Safari Download Manager
- SBSettings
- ScrollingBoard
- ShakeToUndo Killer
- Smoothboard
- SNES A.D. Plus
- SNES A.D.X. Plus
- SpringFlash
- SwitcherMod
- Synchronicity
- TetherMe
- The Notified Pro Beta
- TV Tube Sleep
- Typophone 4
- Typophone 4 Weather
- Veency
- Vending Machine (Theme)
- WeatherIcon
- WinterBoard


- CleanStatus (not all statusbar icons are cleaned)
- Parallax
- Springtomize
- Update Hider


- Action Menu Plus
- AppBackup
- Bluetooth Profile Selector
- Frash (Doesn't work on 4.2 or higher)
- Inspell
- MultiMusicInfo
- Music Control
- Shrink
- Snappy
- VoiceMailBlock
- YourTube 2
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Thanks for taking the time to compile this. Wish I could add to it but you covered all the apps I use. :)

Thanks again!


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