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Ultimate List of Jailbreak Tweaks

Is Icleaner up there? I'm pretty sure that's a free app from big boss

I think Icleaner is a ultimate because nothing really gets erased from the ipad instantly and if you always use cydia you can get lots of bloat ware. For people who don't use ifile or have a pc Icleaner cleans the ipad of unnecessary storage and can even clean cydia if sources malfunction. Also Icleaner is just a good way to keep your ios device clean and give it a monthly check up.
Compatible with ios 6.1 and 6.1.2. I'm using on my ipad frequently with no problems.
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Please - if you want to recommend a certain tweak for this thread (and for possible inclusion into the main first post) - include a description of the tweak and what it does.

This is not a thread to ask about tweaks; it's a thread to discuss tweaks that you have found, enjoy and have working on your iPad and its particular iOS. And, you want to share your find with the forum.

Please don't make us look up the tweak on Cydia to see what you are talking about. Give us some detail so we can see why you think the tweak is an "ultimate."


I also find a very usefull tweak called "Update Hider". It is a tweak for jailbroken iOS devices that lets us hide app updates in the App Store. With this tweak we can configure which apps we want to stop showing that it has a new update in the App Store .

Does update hider for ios5 work for ios6? Description just says ios5 or higher.
AFAIK it crashes. There are two Update Hider, one is Update Hider (1.2), the second is Update Hider for iOS 5 (1.3.1). Neither are compatible with iOS 6
Is there any app/tweak that keeps background process running..Need it for itransmission coz the torrents stop as i switch off the display or standby mode.
I know there is backgrounder but it doesnt work for ios 6..Then there is Background manager which does install but doesnt keep them running in background in standby mode.
Huh. I would think, from reading the description, that Background Manager would do what you wish. Did you check with the dev to see if there is something he/you could do to make it work for you?

Or, in my research, I came across this tweak - "InfinityTask" (Cydia, $2.49, USD). I have not installed/tried it, but it claims to "remove 10min limitation of background task." Maybe it'll suit what you want it for?

I've updated this list to reflect those tweaks that work with iOS 7. This is still a work in progress as developers word hard to update their tweaks.

If you see a tweak on this list that (1) does not work with iOS 7 although it says it does or (2) does work with iOS 7, please send me a PM and I'll get the list fixed.

Again, this is the most current information we have at this time; we'll continue to update the list as we get information.


P.S. And yes, we'll be adding to the list because the iOS 7 jail break has come with some pretty awesome tweaks. So, stay tuned...
I decided to finally jailbreak my iPad 2 after putting it off - more and more apps are only 7.0 compatible, so it was time for me to update.

However, with the new interface in place, I'm still somewhat miffed with the amount of apps you can put in folders. Granted, it's a big improvement, but I miss the good old days when I had infinite pages in folders and I could put in up to 7x6 icons per page. I've tried Iconoclasm, but it does not seem to work completely (it still shows 3x3 in the folders, but it does work on the springboard), and InfiniFolders does not work on all other than the vertical paging (and in fact, I think one of my apps is lost in the limbo, but I was able to get it back by uninstalling InfiniFolders at least).

Can anyone help me with the issues I'm having, or at least suggest an alternative?

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I decided to finally jailbreak my iPad 2 after putting it off - more and more apps are only 7.0 compatible, so it was time for me to update.

However, with the new interface in place, I'm still somewhat miffed with the amount of apps you can put in folders. Granted, it's a big improvement, but I miss the good old days when I had infinite pages in folders and I could put in up to 7x6 icons per page. I've tried Iconoclasm, but it does not seem to work completely (it still shows 3x3 in the folders, but it does work on the springboard), and InfiniFolders does not work on all other than the vertical paging (and in fact, I think one of my apps is lost in the limbo, but I was able to get it back by uninstalling InfiniFolders at least).

Can anyone help me with the issues I'm having, or at least suggest an alternative?


You'd need FolderEnhancer for what you're looking to do. Unfortunately it's not updated for iOS 7 yet, but should be expected to in the next few weeks or more
Is there an alternative for Dimmer that runs on iOS7? I would love to have a tweak that is able to get the brightness of the screen below the default minimum.

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