I decided to finally jailbreak my iPad 2 after putting it off - more and more apps are only 7.0 compatible, so it was time for me to update.
However, with the new interface in place, I'm still somewhat miffed with the amount of apps you can put in folders. Granted, it's a big improvement, but I miss the good old days when I had infinite pages in folders and I could put in up to 7x6 icons per page. I've tried Iconoclasm, but it does not seem to work completely (it still shows 3x3 in the folders, but it does work on the springboard), and InfiniFolders does not work on all other than the vertical paging (and in fact, I think one of my apps is lost in the limbo, but I was able to get it back by uninstalling InfiniFolders at least).
Can anyone help me with the issues I'm having, or at least suggest an alternative?