iPF Novice
好康的來囉!印度塔塔集團繼推出全球最便宜的Nano車後,現在又推出全球最便宜的住宅 "Nano屋",一棟只要700美元.
Nano屋有200平方英呎,搭建時間只需一周。牆面及內部裝潢是由椰子或麻纖維包覆而成,房屋壽命約20年。但我好奇的是这句介绍:The interior has been designed with the feng shui Chinese traditional accent that focuses on welfare in the home. ---还包括风水呢,超夯的呀!
1)Nano house
2) 台幣2萬元 可在印度買棟房
3) Tata to build $700 houses, cheaper than an iPad
Nano屋有200平方英呎,搭建時間只需一周。牆面及內部裝潢是由椰子或麻纖維包覆而成,房屋壽命約20年。但我好奇的是这句介绍:The interior has been designed with the feng shui Chinese traditional accent that focuses on welfare in the home. ---还包括风水呢,超夯的呀!
1)Nano house
2) 台幣2萬元 可在印度買棟房
3) Tata to build $700 houses, cheaper than an iPad