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A combined document and note app?


iPF Noob
I have a set picture in my head of an app that I want, but after a fair bit of searching have been unable to find something suitable. Please help!

I would like it to be able to open up doc and docx from my Dropbox and then be able to edit them and then save it back to Dropbox. When I say edit I mean typing using the keyboard, but also using my finger to draw arrows and what not like note/ doodle apps can do.

Not fussed about paying for something.

Does this sort of app exist????

I have Evernote. It's a good app for taking and organising notes. But I can't get it to open docx files from my Dropbox, unless I'm missing something?

I'll have a look at skitch
Skitch is great for doodling over pictures and other stuff. It's made by the same people as Evernote.

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The only thing is, from what I understand, there is no way to edit a .doc or .docx file using arrows or by drawing on them. The only way I know to work on such files is to use a Microsoft Office compatible file and edit them as normal (compared to a computer). By that, I mean only the "normal" ways to edit a .doc/.docx file - add/edit text, add pictures, etc

To actually draw on a Microsoft .doc or .docx file, you could change it to a PDF file, then use a PDF editor to make it editable with arrows and drawing. I've had luck with the iAnnotate app to do this, although there are many, many more in the App Store.

Or, you can take a screen shot of the document and then use a photo editing app such as Skitch (among others) to make your annotations.

Hope this helps...


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