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A few Jailbreaking Questions


iPF Noob
Firtsly, I know there is alot of stuff about jailbreaking your ipad on here and the internet, and I have read it! However there are a few things I cant find.
I have the latest software on my ipad
Firstly, before jailbreaking do I need to restore my ipad first?
Can i upadte my ipad when new software comes out?

I am quite scared to do it though, what are the chances of itunes not recognising my ipad and not being able to restore it? What do you do if it dosnt come up in itunes, how do you restore it?

Thankyou very much for any help
Let me try and answer your questions (most of which are covered in the stickies and posts in the hacking and tutorial sections... :D )

Firstly, before jailbreaking do I need to restore my ipad first?
No. If you have the latest software on there, you should use redsn0w to jailbreak. Follow the tutorial here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...tutorial-jailbreak-ipad1-redsn0w-windows.html

Can i upadte my ipad when new software comes out?
Yes. But if you just install the new software in iTunes you will lose your jailbreak and any JB apps / tweaks you have installed from Cydia.

However, I wrote a simple guide to upgrade your Jailbreak here - http://www.ipadforums.net/jailbreak...des/26399-how-upgrade-your-ios-jailbreak.html

I am quite scared to do it though, what are the chances of itunes not recognising my ipad and not being able to restore it? What do you do if it dosnt come up in itunes, how do you restore it?
Nothing in the JB can stop your iPad communicating with iTunes. You can remove your JB by restoring using iTunes. Jailbreaking does not stop your iPad behaving like an iPad. It just opens it up to new features. Existing ones don't stop working.

Worst case scenario, put your iPad into DFU mode using this guide - http://www.ipadforums.net/ipad-hacking/27489-dfu-mode-dummies.html
And iTunes will restore your iPad to factory freshness at the push of a button.

Hope that answers your questions.
Thankyou so much for all your help and quick reply. the main thing I was worried about was Itunes not recognising the ipad but it looks like there is a way to restore it.
I have decided to go ahead cos I'm just to curious now!!
And we have another one crossing over to the Dark Side.
f4780y said:
Can i upadte my ipad when new software comes out?
Yes. But if you just install the new software in iTunes you will lose your jailbreak and any JB apps / tweaks you have installed from Cydia.
Will Cydia remember app purchases in this case if I later on decide to jailbreak again?
Yes, absolutely. There is a My Account section. You always own whatever you buy, and can easily re-install it, even on other devices you own.

Also, you can use an app like PkgBackup (my fabourite) to back up all your JB apps, tweaks, and settings to DropBox so you can restore again in the future. Very useful.
Thanks for all the info. I have jail broken (second attempt to put into DFU mode!) and it worked perfectly. Don't know what I was so scared about. (probably spent to much time reading about it and convinced myself it would all go terribly wrong!) I can can now play super mario with wii controller, great!
anwarchehade said:
You mean if i upgrated the jailbreak, the software will update and my cedia apps will not be deleted?

Yes, if you follow the upgrade guide I wrote in the tutorials & guides section.
If you simply update in iTunes you will lose that stuff...

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