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A few Jailbreaking Questions

Sorry but i was talking about thr ipad2... Seems like it isnt released yet, right?

Oh, OK, your previous question suggested to me you were already jailbroken....
If you have an iPad2 then this thread is irrelevant to you just now. Keep track of the news and chat threads in the hacking section for details of when an iPad2 JB is released.
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That was a special double whammy from Marie for us Rambler. the "wee bit" was for me, and the "blooming" for you. Oh, and of course we are family friendly, so we don't do swearing on any threads, even your own! ;)
It is definitely not a bad word Marie. Family Friendly. A very good one to add to your repertoire of safe words from other cultures!
Stick it in the wee pile with the rest... ;)
cassw said:
Thanks for all the info. I have jail broken (second attempt to put into DFU mode!) and it worked perfectly. Don't know what I was so scared about. (probably spent to much time reading about it and convinced myself it would all go terribly wrong!) I can can now play super mario with wii controller, great!

Not too hard was it? If you also get display out and the hdmi adapter....Mario on the big screen. Not sure what everyone Is so scared about....It takes all but 5min to jb.....the other 1hr from re-syncing media back.....:D
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