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A genral natter, what do you think is coming, 6.1 GM or a another Beta

We know as soon as anything happens it will be here on the official IOS6 JB sticky, but wow theres been heaps of rumours, speculations on the internet and too much a mad amount of spam trying to rip peoplle off.
You'll have to forgive me for any terminology I use as I've been a windows person for near 2 decades and then android, like to think I'm a bit savvy on both.
This Ipad being my first Apple device I do feel restricted but it is a piece of art and want to lick it when i look at it (when its JB will prob want to **** it lol).
Anyhow my compulsive disorder has me refreshing hourly for info on the GM release so the fab guys in the dev team Evad3rs can do their stuff.

Whats your pesonal view, opinion?
Monday IOS6.1 beta 4 expires
We know the top guys have the JB and waiting for the 6.1 GM before releasing the jailbeak to the likes of us so they can do thier last bits.
Will Apple give us a fifth beta?
Could it be early March before we see this...
We will know in a matter of hours but whats your reckoning???
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