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a lot of apple ipad haters out there ..

Forums are supposed to be a platform for people to air their views democratically so you will get people in favour and those who are against. I have used my friend's ipad for the last couple of days and though it looks good, after a while I thought I would rather be on my desktop with a proper computer keyboard and a big monitor for the visuals.

Advantages of the iPad

1) Flexibility. You can use it anywhere because of its design.
2) Excellent device for reading books, possibly better than Amazon's Kindle.
3) I can imagine slate computers such as the iPad being widely used in certain industries such as hospitals by doctors and nursing staff with the devices connected to the hospital's network becaus ethey are often on their feet, but I don't think its a great device for being used in the home for office productivity.


1) It just feels like a bigger iPod touch
2) There are way too many limitations compared to a normal desktop/laptop computer.
3) Slate computers are not really for using long time in one stretch. The hands become tired (I excerise quite regularly and not really unfit and do not suffer from RSI). You don't see people playing with their smartphones for too long.
4) Good for reading emails and ocassional surfing but wouldn't say its great for viewing videos for too long. If you have a 22 inch monitor, you would rather watch a movie or a sport on a bigger screen.
5) As for gaming, nothing beats a games console with a game pad device to play with. If you wnat the best ganming experience, you are better off with an Xbox, a Playstation or a Nintendo.

Did you read what you just wrote?
Most of those disadvantages are really advantages as far as I'm concerned.
Always wanted a larger version of the touch since I got my 2g over a year ago.
And all that you said I have realized this as soon as I learned of this device.

People are actually going to buy this to replace an Xbox?...a Playstation?....desktop?...22 inch monitor?
I don't think consumers are stupid. Especially when you can play with it at best buy.
That is so silly.
Makes no sense.
You should at least compare it to same type device such as HP Slate.

It's an Ipad.
One other thing... and I know this may be controversial, but I'm going to say it because I profoundly believe this to be true.

A lot of folks cannot afford Apple products and can't understand why some people would spend $2K+ on an Apple when they can spend $500 for what they think is a comparable Dell.

I believe this contributes to the jealousy and promotes somewhat of a class-warfare amongst the population. This leads to very bitter discussions and battles on theses forums.

I am confused not that it has any thing to do with the ipad but what product sells for $2000 that Apple makes costs only $500 in Dell that has the same specifications ??
I know a few people that just have nothing but negativity for the iPad and have never used it. I just say use it and you'll understand. They read things written by people that haven't used it and think it's crap, then when they are told how great it is they say you're a fanboy...they obviously have their mind made up.

In 3 years when 75% of net books are replaced with iPads (ahem iPhone) maybe they will get it.
One other thing... and I know this may be controversial, but I'm going to say it because I profoundly believe this to be true.

A lot of folks cannot afford Apple products and can't understand why some people would spend $2K+ on an Apple when they can spend $500 for what they think is a comparable Dell.

I believe this contributes to the jealousy and promotes somewhat of a class-warfare amongst the population. This leads to very bitter discussions and battles on theses forums.

I am confused not that it has any thing to do with the ipad but what product sells for $2000 that Apple makes costs only $500 in Dell that has the same specifications ??

I think that was the point. A good apple computer will run you a couple grand (my mac pro was over $3000) but people really think a $500 or even $1000 Dell will do the same thing for less and that couldn't be further from the truth.
YEs, plenty of haters. I actually left a forum on Amazon because of this. People get way too defensive on something that has nothing to do with them.

My experience has been that their being contrary to what they feel is "The Big Machine" that is Apple. Time is the relative term here...just a matter of time. When the iPad (regardless which version or OS) appears on their job, at their Doctor's office, at the grocery store they frequent...the narcissism within them will die a quick death.

Their argument will be, & I quote "My problem was the first generation of iPad, I never said it wasn't a good concept". At which time we can turn our iPad phazers to stun...and immobilize them for 3 days. A nice way to give them time to digest the sour grape taste left in their mouths.

Nod quitely & grin if you understand...
i find that on some forums there is haters of a product no matter what is beening talked about..one part of the forum is about cars and the so called bug out vehicle..

for one i do not belive that half the people who own vehicle like that knows how to drive it and two--it more of a show off tryle of vehicle to say look at me when they post there pictures of the vehicle ..

i posted my little smart car that i own and got the crazy thing about it a death trap that i would be killed in a car crash i also pointed out that you can be killed in other cars along with beening blowen all over the road by large semi trucks ..i have that happened when in a normal sized car and they pass ..and you would have been better off buying a honda civic ..when i pointed out that the honda civic was the most stolen car in the states along with the highest car ins rates the people where telling why did not get a truck for the liveing out in the country ..i explain to them that here in end of may i go home to Az area or on a three month trip down to New Zealand or one year unit to bay area for a job ..

so my basic reason was good ins my car rate droped from $.175.oo a month to $.88,oo a month for the same full coverage and it was great for the saveing -- good on gas===cheap to fill up in CA.gas prices..---just me in the car with a date here and there ..most times we drive her car because she has a nice car then me when going out nice place to have dinner at in LA. area-- plus it handles great in traffic and easly to park allong with great for trips up and down the cost area for work ..then trips over to northern AZ country to go home and spend time there ..i took it back into one of the pastures to check out a well that on the land when it was raining and the road was muddy as heck and still made back and out without a problem ..

i just think there are haters of the anything that they can not understand or have ..
I am confused not that it has any thing to do with the ipad but what product sells for $2000 that Apple makes costs only $500 in Dell that has the same specifications ??

That's why I said, "why some people would spend $2K+ on an Apple when they can spend $500 for what they think is a comparable Dell."

I know many folks who think there is no difference in a Dell $500 laptop and a $2K Apple Mac Book Pro and we (Apple fans) are stupid for buying such an overpriced device (their assertion, not mine.) My point is, they don't understand the quality (hardware and software) that comes with Apple products.
I got it.
just woke up. Lol 18 hours later here lol.

I agree totally there is no comparison. It's plain ignorance love try to see them open a 700 mb photo shop file on a $500 laptop pc and edit it rotate it as do many of my customers do on MacBook pros and Macpro's Colin
A basic Apple laptop can be had for $850. It has more really good software, high quality comonents, and does not come with all the garbage that PC manufacturers put in that you can spend hours trying to remove. The only difference may be the screen size, but I prefer a 13" over a 17" especially when I carry it.
I got it.
just woke up. Lol 18 hours later here lol.

I agree totally there is no comparison. It's plain ignorance love try to see them open a 700 mb photo shop file on a $500 laptop pc and edit it rotate it as do many of my customers do on MacBook pros and Macpro's Colin

the son of my wife (11yr) have a ASUS netbook, and some time ago he ask me to change is chinese language … i spend 40 minutes trying before use my mac search in google and found on his XP version i doesn’t have (chinese traditional)

so he has to use my MBP for do his homework , when he finish he ask me when will change my computer for a Mac even a small one will be OK because my machine is too slow compareand too complicated to the mac …

My mom’s always say the true come out from the mouth of kid’s
here is a couple of cartoons i saw today about how people are saying about the ipad unit ..


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here is some more cartoons


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