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ABC News Releases iPad App


iPadForums News Team
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ABC News has today released an iPad app, using an interactive three-dimensional globe on which news stories appear. This is the second iPad app to be released by the Disney/ABC Television Group, with its ABC Player app proving to be a huge success, with over 928,000 downloads and 5.9 million episodes started in just over three months.

Users can spin the ABC News globe to find the stories that they want to read, and can then define what stories they want to have on their globe, from politics, health, entertainment, and more. ABC News' library of archival footage, "This Month In History", will also be available as an option for users to explore. Users can set up their own globe to include stories from Good Morning America, World News with Diane Sawyer, Nightline, 20/20, and This Week. Stories can also be selected to be read later, or shared with friends and family via Facebook, Twitter or email.

Steve Jobs will also be very happy to hear that the ABCNEWS.com website is now optimized in HTML5 and is available on the iPad with all features, including video.

The app is available now as a free download from the Apple iPad App Store.

Source: ABC
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The only one I can find is ABC News by Disney and the reviews are not good. I don't see an app with the world on it like that screenshot...
LOL! My mom use to tell me it was okay to talk to yourself, but when you starting answering yourself ~ well ~ need I say more?
Tried it. Deleted it. Not sure why it requires a spinning globe to present news stories?

Not a big fan of gimmicky layouts. I definitely prefer functional+beautiful. A tough combination to achieve, certainly (although Flipboard seems to be on the right track).
Tried it. Deleted it. Not sure why it requires a spinning globe to present news stories?

Not a big fan of gimmicky layouts. I definitely prefer functional+beautiful. A tough combination to achieve, certainly (although Flipboard seems to be on the right track).

I tried it too but I think I'll also delete it.

I praise them for doing it in html5 but the design lacks a certain grace.
Well, I wish to recind my preceding post.

I stupidly just found out that there's a little button at the top right that converts the display to a traditional tabloid format... :slaponthehead:

My apologies to ABC...

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